Source code for turbigen.fluid

r"""Calculation of thermodynamic properties for working fluids.

Turbomachinery design and analysis requires knowledge of thermodynamic
properties of the working fluid. This module contains classes that abstract
real or perfect gases, so that calculations of thermodynamic properties can
be performed using a common interface independent of the fluid equation of

The general pattern of usage of these classes is as follows. First initialise a
state using :py:meth:`turbigen.fluid.PerfectState.from_properties` or
:py:meth:`turbigen.fluid.RealState.from_fluid_name` constructors. If the type
of working fluid is not known at runtime, the `copy()` method of an existing
state can be used. Second, specify a pair of two thermodynamic properties
using, for example, :py:meth:`turbigen.fluid.PerfectState.set_P_T`. Finally,
other derived properties can be read off as
attributes of the state, such as :py:attr:`turbigen.fluid.PerfectState.rho`.
The examples below illustrate functionality of the
classes; practical usages are found in the :py:mod:`turbigen.meanline` functions.

Example code

Create a state for real Air, print some properties, then if this is a
stagnation state, find static pressure given a Mach number:

.. doctest::

    >>> import turbigen.fluid
    >>> So1 = turbigen.fluid.RealState.from_fluid_name('Air')
    >>> So1.set_P_T(16e5, 1600.)
    RealState(Air, P=16.000 bar, T=1600.0 K)
    >>> print('cp = %.1f kJ/kg' % So1.cp)
    cp = 1220.9 kJ/kg
    >>> print('ga = %.3f' % So1.gamma)
    ga = 1.308
    >>> S1 = So1.to_static(Ma=0.6)
    >>> print('P1 = %.3e' % S1.P)
    P1 = 1.271e+06

Initialise states for both perfect air and steam, then calculate the work
required for an isentropic compression:

.. doctest::

    >>> S_water = turbigen.fluid.RealState.from_fluid_name('water')
    >>> S_air = turbigen.fluid.PerfectState.from_properties(
    ...     cp=1005.,gamma=1.4, mu=1.8e-4
    ... )
    >>> PR = 3.
    >>> for S1 in (S_water, S_air):
    ...     S1.set_P_T(1e5, 300.)
    ...     S2 = S1.copy().set_P_s(S1.P * PR, S1.s)
    ...     print(f'wx12 = {(S2.h-S1.h)/1e3:.2f} kJ/kg')
    RealState(water, P=1.000 bar, T=300.0 K)
    wx12 = 0.20 kJ/kg
    PerfectState(P=1.000 bar, T=300.0 K)
    wx12 = 111.17 kJ/kg

Array states are also supported, by passing a shape tuple on initialisation.
Broadcasting input values, and read-only iterating and slicing work:

.. doctest::

    >>> import turbigen.fluid
    >>> S = turbigen.fluid.RealState.from_fluid_name('water', shape=(3,))
    >>> S.set_P_T(1e5, [400., 500., 800])
    RealState(water, P=[1. 1. 1.] bar, T=[400. 500. 800.] K)
    >>> print(S.rho)
    [0.54760542 0.43514008 0.27102399]
    >>> for Si in S[1:]:
    ...     print(Si)
    RealState(water, P=1.000 bar, T=500.0 K)
    RealState(water, P=1.000 bar, T=800.0 K)

Property attributes

The state classes expose the following thermodynamic and fluid properties as

=========== ============================================ =======
 Attribute   Property                                     Units
=========== ============================================ =======
`a`          Acoustic Speed                               m/s
`cp`         Specific heat capacity at constant pressure  J/kg/K
`cv`         Specific heat capacity at constant volume    J/kg/K
`gamma`      Ratio of specific heats
`h`          Specific enthalpy                            J/kg
`mu`         Dynamic viscosity                            kg/m/s
`P`          Pressure                                     Pa
`Pr`         Prandtl number
`rgas`       Specific gas constant                        J/kg/K
`rho`        Mass density                                 kg/m^3
`s`          Specific entropy                             J/kg/K
`T`          Temperature                                  K
`u`          Specific internal energy                     J/kg
=========== ============================================ =======

Setting methods

The state classes expose the following methods to specify the thermodynamic
state, each taking two properties as arguments:

=================== ============================================
 Method              Properties specified
=================== ============================================
`set_P_T(P,T)`      Pressure, temperature
`set_P_s(P,s)`      Pressure, entropy
`set_h_s(h,s)`      Enthalpy, entropy
`set_T_s(T,s)`      Temperature, entropy
`set_P_h(P,h)`      Enthalpy, entropy
`set_rho_u(rho,u)`  Density, internal energy
`set_rho_s(rho,s)`  Density, entropy
=================== ============================================

Static/stagnation methods

Consider the problem of converting between static and stagnation conditions at
a given Mach number :math:`\Ma=V/a`. If static conditions are known, it is
straightforward to use Mach number and acoustic speed to evaluate velocity and
hence enthalpy of the stagnation state; an ideal stagnation is an isentropic
process, so static and stagnation states have the same entropy. The reverse
problem, where static conditions must be found for known stagnation conditions,
in general requires iteration because acoustic speed is unknown a-priori.

The state classes have two methods to streamline these conversions:

    * `to_stagnation(Ma)` returns a State object for stagnation conditions
    * `to_static(Ma)` returns a State object for static conditions

Constructor methods


from CoolProp import CoolProp
import numpy as np
from turbigen.base import dependent_property, StructuredData
import turbigen.util

# Share tabular property data across instances in a class-level dict
_abstract_states = {"HEOS": {}, "BICUBIC&HEOS": {}}

[docs] class PerfectState(StructuredData): """Thermodynamic properties from perfect gas equations of state.""" _data_rows = ( "rho", "u", ) # Arbitrary reference properties for entropy datum Ps0 = 1e5 Ts0 = 300.0 Tu0 = 300.0 def __eq__(self, other): if other is None: return False return ( self.shape == other.shape and self.cp == other.cp and self.gamma == other.gamma and == and turbigen.util._match(self.rho, other.rho) and turbigen.util._match(self.u, other.u) ) def __repr__(self): try: return f"PerfectState(P={self.P/1e5:.3f} bar, T={self.T:.1f} K)" except TypeError: return ( f"PerfectState(P={np.array2string(self.P/1e5,precision=3)} bar," f" T={np.array2string(self.T,precision=1)} K)" )
[docs] @classmethod def from_properties(cls, cp, gamma, mu, shape=(), Pr=0.72): r"""Create a state for a perfect gas with specified properties. Parameters ---------- cp: float Specific heat capacity at constant pressure [J/kg/K] gamma: float Ratio of specific heats [--]. mu: float Kinematic viscosity [kg/m/s]. shape: tuple Specify a tuple to allocate an array of states; defaults to scalar. Pr: float Prandtl number [--], default to room-temperature air. """ S = cls(shape) S.cp, S.gamma, = cp, gamma, mu S.Pr = Pr return S
@property def cp(self): return self._get_metadata_by_key("cp") @cp.setter def cp(self, cp): self._set_metadata_by_key("cp", cp) @property def Pr(self): return self._get_metadata_by_key("Pr") @Pr.setter def Pr(self, Pr): self._set_metadata_by_key("Pr", Pr) @property def gamma(self): return self._get_metadata_by_key("gamma") @gamma.setter def gamma(self, gamma): _check_positive_finite_scalar(gamma) self._set_metadata_by_key("gamma", gamma) @property def mu(self): return self._get_metadata_by_key("mu") @mu.setter def mu(self, mu): self._set_metadata_by_key("mu", mu) @property def rho(self): return self._get_data_by_key("rho") @rho.setter def rho(self, value): val_array = np.array(value) self._set_data_by_key("rho", val_array) @property def u(self): return self._get_data_by_key("u") @u.setter def u(self, value): val_array = np.array(value) self._set_data_by_key("u", val_array) @dependent_property def cv(self): return self.cp / self.gamma @dependent_property def rgas(self): return self.cp * (self.gamma - 1.0) / self.gamma @dependent_property def P(self): return self.rho * (self.gamma - 1.0) * (self.u + * self.Tu0) @dependent_property def a(self): return np.sqrt(self.gamma * self.rgas * self.T) @dependent_property def h(self): return self.gamma * self.u + self.Tu0 * self.rgas @dependent_property def T(self): return self.u / + self.Tu0 @property def is_two_phase(self): # Perfect gas is never liquid or two-phase return np.full(self.shape, False) @dependent_property def s(self): return self.cp * np.log(self.T / self.Ts0) - self.rgas * np.log( self.P / self.Ps0 ) @dependent_property def dsdrho_P(self): return -self.cp / self.rho @dependent_property def dsdP_rho(self): return / self.P @dependent_property def dhdP_rho(self): ga = self.gamma return ga / (ga - 1.0) * self.rho @dependent_property def dhdrho_P(self): return -self.cp * self.T / self.rho def set_Tu0(self, Tu0): # Set the temperature for internal energy datum u(Tu0) = 0 P = self.P.copy() T = self.T.copy() self.Tu0 = Tu0 return self.set_P_T(P, T) def set_P_T(self, P, T): u = * (T - self.Tu0) rho = P / self.rgas / T return self.set_rho_u(rho, u) def set_P_s(self, P, s): T = self.Ts0 * np.exp((s + self.rgas * np.log(P / self.Ps0)) / self.cp) self.set_P_T(P, T) return self def set_h_s(self, h, s): T = (h + * self.Tu0) / self.cp P = self.Ps0 * np.exp((self.cp * np.log(T / self.Ts0) - s) / self.rgas) self.set_P_T(P, T) assert np.allclose(self.h, h) assert np.allclose(self.s, s) return self def set_T_s(self, T, s): P = self.Ps0 * np.exp((self.cp * np.log(T / self.Ts0) - s) / self.rgas) self.set_P_T(P, T) return self def set_P_h(self, P, h): T = (h + * self.Tu0) / self.cp self.set_P_T(P, T) # print(self.h[0], h[0]) # assert np.allclose(self.h, h) # assert np.allclose(self.P, P) return self def set_P_rho(self, P, rho): T = P / self.rgas / rho self.set_P_T(P, T) return self def set_rho_u(self, rho, u): self.rho = rho self.u = u return self def set_rho_s(self, rho, s): rhos0 = self.Ps0 / self.rgas / self.Ts0 T = self.Ts0 * np.exp((s + self.rgas * np.log(rho / rhos0)) / u = * (T - self.Tu0) self.set_rho_u(rho, u) return self def to_static(self, Ma): To_T = 1.0 + 0.5 * (self.gamma - 1.0) * Ma**2.0 return self.copy().set_T_s(self.T / To_T, self.s) def to_stagnation(self, Ma): To_T = 1.0 + 0.5 * (self.gamma - 1.0) * Ma**2.0 return self.copy().set_T_s(self.T * To_T, self.s)
[docs] class RealState(StructuredData): """Thermodynamic properties for a real fluid using table lookups.""" _data_rows = ( "rho", "u", ) Tu0 = 0.0 _backend = "HEOS" def __repr__(self): try: return ( f"RealState({self.fluid_name}, P={self.P/1e5:.3f} bar," f" T={self.T:.1f} K)" ) except TypeError: return ( f"RealState({self.fluid_name}," f" P={np.array2string(self.P/1e5,precision=3)} bar," f" T={np.array2string(self.T,precision=1)} K)" ) except (KeyError, ValueError): return "RealState(uninitialised)" def __eq__(self, other): if other is None: return False try: other_fluid_name = other.fluid_name except KeyError: other_fluid_name = None try: self_fluid_name = self.fluid_name except KeyError: self_fluid_name = None return ( self.shape == other.shape and self_fluid_name == other_fluid_name and turbigen.util._match(self.rho, other.rho) and turbigen.util._match(self.u, other.u) )
[docs] @classmethod def from_fluid_name(cls, fluid_name, shape=()): r"""Create a state for a particular real working fluid. Parameters ---------- fluid_name: str Name of the fluid in the `CoolProp nomenclature <>`_. shape: tuple Specify a tuple to allocate an array of states; defaults to scalar. """ S = cls(shape) S._metadata["fluid_name"] = None S.fluid_name = fluid_name return S
@property def fluid_name(self): return self._get_metadata_by_key("fluid_name") @property def _as(self): return self._get_metadata_by_key("abstract_state") @_as.setter def _as(self, val): return self._set_metadata_by_key("abstract_state", val) @fluid_name.setter def fluid_name(self, fluid_name): # Look for an abstract state for this fluid in the module-level cache # and use if present, otherwise create a new table _as = _abstract_states[self._backend].get(fluid_name) if _as: self._as = _as else: self._as = _abstract_states[self._backend][ fluid_name ] = CoolProp.AbstractState(self._backend, fluid_name) self._set_metadata_by_key("fluid_name", fluid_name) def set_backend(self, backend): self._backend = backend self.fluid_name = self.fluid_name @property def rho(self): return self._get_data_by_key("rho") @property def u(self): return self._get_data_by_key("u") def _store(self, inputs, x, y): """Calculate density and internal energy and store for future use.""" # Both inputs scalar, no need to loop if np.shape(x) == () and np.shape(y) == (): self._as.update(inputs, x, y) self._set_data_by_key("rho", self._as.rhomass()) self._set_data_by_key("u", self._as.umass()) else: # Otherwise, broadcast and loop b = np.broadcast(x, y) if not b.shape == self.shape: raise Exception( f"Broadcasted input shape {b.shape} is wrong, expected {self.shape}" ) rho = np.empty(b.shape) u = np.empty(b.shape) for i, (xk, yk) in enumerate(b): self._as.update(inputs, xk, yk) rho.flat[i] = self._as.rhomass() u.flat[i] = self._as.umass() self._set_data_by_key("rho", rho) self._set_data_by_key("u", u) def _lookup_property(self, prop_func): """Table lookup a general property using stored density and internal energy.""" # Scalar state, no need to loop if self.shape == (): self._as.update(CoolProp.DmassUmass_INPUTS, self.rho, self.u) z = prop_func() # Vector state, must loop else: z = np.empty(self.shape) for i, (rhok, uk) in enumerate(zip(self.rho.flat, self.u.flat)): self._as.update(CoolProp.DmassUmass_INPUTS, rhok, uk) z.flat[i] = prop_func() return z def _lookup_saturated_property(self, prop_func, chi): """Table lookup for saturated property at current pressure.""" # Scalar state, no need to loop if self.shape == (): self._as.update(CoolProp.PQ_INPUTS, self.P, chi) z = prop_func() # Vector state, must loop else: z = np.empty(self.shape) for i, Pk in enumerate(self.P.flat): self._as.update(CoolProp.PQ_INPUTS, Pk, chi) z.flat[i] = prop_func() return z def set_P_h(self, P, h): self._store(CoolProp.HmassP_INPUTS, h, P) return self def set_P_rho(self, P, rho): self._store(CoolProp.DmassP_INPUTS, rho, P) return self def set_P_s(self, P, s): self._store(CoolProp.PSmass_INPUTS, P, s) return self def set_h_s(self, h, s): self._store(CoolProp.HmassSmass_INPUTS, h, s) assert np.allclose(self.h, h) assert np.allclose(self.s, s) return self def set_T_s(self, T, s): self._store(CoolProp.SmassT_INPUTS, s, T) return self def set_P_T(self, P, T): self._store(CoolProp.PT_INPUTS, P, T) assert np.allclose(self.P, P) assert np.allclose(self.T, T) return self def set_rho_T(self, ro, T): self._store(CoolProp.DmassT_INPUTS, ro, T) return self def set_rho_u(self, ro, u): self._set_data_by_key("rho", ro) self._set_data_by_key("u", u) return self def set_rho_s(self, ro, s): self._store(CoolProp.DmassSmass_INPUTS, ro, s) return self def set_T_chi(self, T, chi): self._store(CoolProp.QT_INPUTS, chi, T) return self def set_P_chi(self, P, chi): self._store(CoolProp.PQ_INPUTS, P, chi) return self def set_Tu0(self, Tu0): if Tu0: raise NotImplementedError("Real gas does not support arbitrary u datum") def to_static(self, Ma): # Function to solve Ma for a scalar state def _solve_scalar(Sstag, Mai): if Mai == 0.0: return Sstag if (not np.isfinite(Mai)) or np.iscomplex(Mai): raise ValueError(f"Invalid Ma={Mai}") # Use fixed point iteration err = np.inf tolMa = 1e-6 rf = 0.5 V = Mai * Sstag.a for i in range(20): Sstat = Sstag.copy().set_h_s(Sstag.h - 0.5 * V**2.0, Sstag.s) V = np.sqrt(2.0 * (Sstag.h - Sstat.h)) Ma_now = V / Sstat.a err = np.abs(Mai - Ma_now) V = V * (1.0 - rf) + rf * (Mai * Sstat.a) if err < tolMa: break if err > tolMa: raise Exception("did not converge") return Sstat if self.shape == () and np.shape(Ma) == (): return _solve_scalar(self.copy(), Ma) else: raise NotImplementedError() # TODO use slicing capabilities of the class here # # Broadcast Mach number # b = np.broadcast(self.h, self.P, Ma) # h = np.empty(b.shape) # P = np.empty(b.shape) # for i, (hk, Pk, Mak) in enumerate(b): # Sk_stag = self.copy().set_P_h(Pk, hk) # Sk_stat = _solve_scalar(Sk_stag, Mak) # h.flat[i] = Sk_stat.h # P.flat[i] = Sk_stat.P # return self.copy().set_P_h(P, h) def to_stagnation(self, Ma): V = self.a * Ma hstag = self.h + 0.5 * V**2.0 return self.copy().set_h_s(hstag, self.s) @dependent_property def T(self): return self._lookup_property(self._as.T) @dependent_property def P(self): return self._lookup_property(self._as.p) @dependent_property def a(self): return self._lookup_property(self._as.speed_sound) @dependent_property def cp(self): return self._lookup_property(self._as.cpmass) @dependent_property def cv(self): return self._lookup_property(self._as.cvmass) @dependent_property def gamma(self): return self.cp / @dependent_property def rgas(self): return self._lookup_property(self._as.cvmass) @dependent_property def mu(self): return self._lookup_property(self._as.viscosity) @dependent_property def s(self): return self._lookup_property(self._as.smass) @dependent_property def h(self): return self._lookup_property(self._as.hmass) @dependent_property def Pr(self): return self._lookup_property(self._as.Prandtl) # Real gas stuff @dependent_property def chi(self): return self._lookup_property(self._as.Q) @dependent_property def hsat_vapour(self): return self._lookup_saturated_property(self._as.hmass, 1.0) @dependent_property def Tsat(self): return self._lookup_saturated_property(self._as.T, 0.5) @dependent_property def DTsuperheat(self): # Superheat in vapour dome extrapolated using saturated vapour cp cpsat = self._lookup_saturated_property(self._as.cpmass, 1.0) DT_sup_2phs = (self.h - self.hsat_vapour) / cpsat # Temperature diference w.r.t. Tsat outside vapour dome DT_sup_sup = self.T - self.Tsat # Choose the appropriate definition return np.where(self.is_two_phase, DT_sup_2phs, DT_sup_sup) @dependent_property def is_two_phase(self): return self.phase == CoolProp.iphase_twophase @dependent_property def is_liquid(self): return self.phase == CoolProp.iphase_liquid @dependent_property def is_gas(self): return self.phase == CoolProp.iphase_gas @dependent_property def phase(self): phase = self._lookup_property(self._as.phase) # Convert numpy arrays to integer data type try: phase = phase.astype(int) except AttributeError: pass return phase @dependent_property def is_supercritical(self): return self._lookup_property(self._as.phase) in ( CoolProp.iphase_supercritical_gas, CoolProp.iphase_supercritical_liquid, CoolProp.iphase_supercritical, ) @property def Tcrit(self): return self._as.T_critical() @property def Pcrit(self): return self._as.p_critical()
def _check_positive_finite_scalar(x): if not np.shape(x) in ((), (1,)): raise ValueError(f"{x} is not scalar") if not (x > 0.0 and np.isfinite(x)): raise ValueError(f"Bad value for {x}")