

  • Bugfix for AutoGrid server not reading the delete switch

  • Bugfix for scalar mean-line iterate variables


  • Use rotation-corrected static pressure to find stagnation points

  • Add mixed-flow mean-line with mixed and pure radial examples

  • Script to read polynomial coefficients and evaluate a previously-fitted design space

  • Allow unbladed first row in H-mesh

  • Add a syntax check for TS4 body force template

  • Generalise to multi-stage machines

  • Wrap the incidence angle with respect to camber angle

  • Bugfix for TS4 throttle config

  • Add -m command-line switch to debug the mean-line

  • Take CFD inlet pitch angle from the mesh, not mean-line design

  • Implement command-line options for AutoGrid server

  • Bugfix to allow incidence correction on only one section

  • Reduce LE recamber when incidence is close to tolerance


  • Add retry for AutoGrid connections

  • Use unstructured spanwise cuts to calculate incidence

  • More robust tip H-meshing

  • Incidence correction bugfix for unbladed cases

  • Only reduce proportional part of PID controller gain on restart

  • Clean up the hypercube running code

  • Turbostream 3 SA helicity correction

  • Better Turbostream 4 application variable defaults

  • Use turbulent viscosity from old solution on restart

  • Fix error in docs iterate config


  • Add post-processing functions for unstructured cuts at constant span fraction

  • Put rotational speeds in AutoGrid geomTurbo file when OH meshing

  • Support TS3 cooling patches

  • Method to allow trimming of grid blocks in pre-processing

  • Compatability fixes for numpy 2 and pin dependency versions

  • Add TS4 halo_implementation setting

  • Fix bug with zero wall distance on non-matching patches

  • Check patch indices are consistent with block size before writing TS3 input


  • Fit blade sections to coordinates read from a file

  • Overhaul post processing with separate functions for all plots

  • Rewrite LE incidence calculation to work generally for axial and radial

  • Allow off-design operation with rpm_adjust and mass_adjust settings

  • Setting for inviscid boudary condition on zero-radius rod

  • When running installed turbomachine, reuse installed initial guess

  • Allow install function to return inverse design variables to mean line

  • Add rounded trailing edge and fillet options to autogrid meshing

  • Check for membership of the turbostream group before running TS3

  • Error if we cannot locate the specified TS4 throttle tag

  • Allow arbitrary setting of perfect gas internal energy datum

  • Handle errors in cluster jobs and hold the node for debugging

  • Allow unbladed rows in OH meshes

  • Close off the tip of unshrouded rotor blades in STL export

  • Make the coordinate check optional for debugging

  • Fix bounds error on annulus interpolation due to floating point error


  • Fix bug with noisy TS4 console logging

  • Allow labels on TS4 point probes with different file names

  • Implement unsteady boundary conditions into pre-processing framework

  • Add tutorial to documentation


  • Fix bug where zero-valued configuration options are not written out


  • General grid refinement by subdivision of cells

  • Allow halting iterations by creating a stopit file in working directory

  • Check for two-phase flow at the end of the calculation

  • Incidence correction for splitters

  • Improve robustness and simplify AutoGrid meshing script

  • Use improved clustering functions for H-meshing

  • Plot pressure distributions

  • Implement loading mean-line, annulus, and installation modules from file

  • Allow arbitrary external monitoring scripts in TS4 simulations (e.g. to change body force)

  • Configuration option for maximum H-mesh free stream skew

  • Fix AutoGrid patch matching bug

  • Fix bug with TS4 cfl_ramp_en not set


  • Minor corrections for open release


  • General tidying up of the code

  • Incidence correction only when mass flow is on target

  • Rework configuration and command-line options

  • Improve documentation

  • Automatic numbering of working directories


  • Implement sweep by changing meridional locations of LE/TE

  • Add splitter capability

  • Allow preconditioning in TS4

  • Yet more AutoGrid meshing options

  • Record Exceptions in the turbigen log file, in addition to STDERR.


  • More robust unstructured cutting by Marching Cubes algorithm.

  • Allow prescribing body force in TS 4.2.82

  • Find stagnation point by sign change of surface velocity

  • Implement NaN check for TS4

  • Write out a design space fit to json for web interface

  • More AutoGrid options including untwist outlet


  • Update radial turbine to set stator LE diameter ratio


  • Allow custom TS3->TS4 conversion pipelines

  • True Taylor camberline (quartic in chi, not tan chi)

  • Generalise incidence correction to radial inflows and outflows


  • Add rotor-only fan mean line


  • Improved H-mesh tip-gap grid

  • Add installation effects module

  • Add write coordinates solver

  • Allow running in parallel


  • Implement polynomial design-space fitting.

  • Add option to run a hypercube of designs.

  • Improve characteristic running.

  • Fix bugs with mixing of supersonic flows and area signage.

  • Fix bug with setting shroud rpm.

  • Generalise to select a type of thickness distribution.

  • Clean up the log file outputs.

  • Skew H-mesh in flow direction outside of blade rows.

  • Added unstructured cutting for post-processing the mixed-out flow.

  • Added throttling options to target mass flow for TS3 and TS4.

  • Added radial turbine mean-line design functions and example.

  • Internal rewrite of data structures to be CFD-solver agnostic.

  • … plus other miscellaneous enhancements and tidying.


  • Added H-meshing option, with pinched tips.

  • Config object for programmatic creation and validation of input files.

  • Automated post processing to get a MeanLine object from mixed-out CFD cuts.

  • Use inlet velocity as reference for compressor circulation coefficient.

  • Mixed-out averaging generalised for any meridional cut (not just constant axial coordinate).

  • Iteration to correct for incidence, deviation, and mean-line guesses.

  • Options to set blade number directly or Lieblein diffusion factor.

  • Running characteristics for compressor designs.

  • Generate real gas tables for TS4 on demand.

  • Let TS3 grid object use arbitrary equation of state for post-processing.

  • Post-processing TS4 simulations by reading the flow field into a structured TS3 grid.

  • Config file options to submit a job to the SLURM queue.


  • First Whittle Laboratory internal release.