Source code for turbigen.hmesh

import numpy as np
from turbigen import util
import turbigen.grid
import turbigen.geometry
from turbigen.base import BaseConfig
from turbigen import clusterfunc

logger = util.make_logger()

[docs] class HMeshConfig(BaseConfig): """Contains all configuration options with default values.""" _name = "H mesh" recluster = False ER_stream = 1.2 """Expansion ratio of streamwise grid from first LE to inlet boundary.""" AR_stream = 2.0 """Aspect ratio in blade-to-blade plane of cells at outlet boundary.""" AR_passage = 1.6 """Nominal aspect ratio in blade-to-blade plane of mid-passage cells.""" AR_merid = 1.0 """Aspect ratio of mid-chord cells in meridional plane.""" AR_merid_unbladed = 2.0 """Aspect ratio of mid-chord cells in meridional plane.""" ER_span = 1.2 """Expansion ratio of spanwise grid away from hub and casing.""" dm_LE = 0.002 """Streamwise grid spacing at LE, normalised by meridional chord.""" ni_TE = 9 """Number of streamwise points across trailing edge.""" dm_TE = 0.0 """Normalised meridional length over which to cluster the TE points, 0. for the true actual TE.""" dspf_mid = 0.03 """Spanwise grid spacing at midspan, as a fraction of span.""" ER_pitch = 1.2 """Expansion ratio away from aerofoil surfaces.""" nchord_relax = 1.0 """Number of meridional chords over which pitchwise clustering is relaxed.""" resolution_factor = 1.0 """Multiply the number of points in each direction, keeping relative spacings.""" rtol_smooth = 0.0 """Tolerance on smoothing convergence.""" maxiter_smooth = 0 """Number of smoothing iterations, zero to disable smoothing.""" skew_max = 30.0 def spanwise_grid(self, dspf_hub, dspf_casing, tip): # """Evaluate a spanwise grid vector given hub and casing spacings.""" if tip: Lmain = 1.0 - tip # We want at least 9 nodes across the tip gap # So the minimum grid spacing should be the smallest of: # - 9 pts uniform # - target shroud spacing njtip_min = 9 dspf_tip = np.minimum(dspf_casing, tip / njtip_min) spf_main = dspf_hub, dspf_tip, self.dspf_mid, self.ER_span, 0.0, Lmain ) try: spf_tip = dspf_tip, dspf_tip, 4.0 * dspf_tip, self.ER_span, Lmain, 1.0 ) except turbigen.clusterfunc.exceptions.ClusteringException: spf_tip = clusterfunc.double.fixed( dspf_tip, dspf_tip, njtip_min, Lmain, 1.0 ) spf_main = util.resample(spf_main, self.resolution_factor) spf_tip = util.resample(spf_tip, self.resolution_factor) spf = np.concatenate((spf_main[:-1], spf_tip)) assert spf[0] == 0.0 assert np.isclose(spf[-1], 1.0) assert (np.diff(spf) > 0.0).all() return spf else: return util.resample( dspf_hub, dspf_casing, self.dspf_mid, self.ER_span ), self.resolution_factor, )
[docs] def pitchwise_grid(self, drt_row, pitch_chord, AR_row, resample=True): """Evaluate a pitchwise grid vector given surface spacing.""" dm_mid = self.dspf_mid * AR_row / self.AR_merid drt_mid = dm_mid / pitch_chord * self.AR_passage logger.debug( f"Free npts: drt_row={drt_row}, drt_mid={drt_mid}, ER={self.ER_pitch}" ) # x1 = 0.5 * util.cluster_new_free(drt_row * 2.0, drt_mid * 2.0, self.ER_pitch) # x = np.concatenate((x1[:-1], 1.0 - np.flip(x1))) x =, drt_mid, self.ER_pitch) dx = np.diff(x) assert np.isclose(x[0], 0.0) assert np.isclose(x[-1], 1.0) assert np.all(dx > 0.0) assert np.isfinite(x).all() if resample: x = util.resample( x, self.resolution_factor, ) return x
[docs] def pitchwise_grid_fixed_npts(self, drt_row, pitch_chord, AR_row, npts): """Evaluate a pitchwise grid vector given surface spacing.""" x = clusterfunc.symmetric.fixed(drt_row, npts) dx = np.diff(x) assert np.isclose(x[0], 0.0) assert np.isclose(x[-1], 1.0) assert np.all(dx > 0.0) assert len(x) == npts assert np.isfinite(x).all() # return x return util.resample( x, self.resolution_factor, )
def pitchwise_grid_unbladed(self, AR_row, pitch_chord): # """Evaluate a pitchwise grid vector for unbladed row.""" dm_mid = self.dspf_mid * AR_row * self.AR_merid_unbladed drt_mid = dm_mid / pitch_chord * self.AR_passage nk = np.round(1.0 / drt_mid).astype(int) return np.linspace(0.0, 1.0, nk) def streamwise_grid( self, pitch_chord, nrt, L, AR_row, tte=None, unbladed_row=False, chord_factor=1.0, ni_chord=None, ): # """Evaluate streamwise grid vector for a blade row.""" assert len(pitch_chord) == 3 assert (pitch_chord > 0.0).all() assert nrt > 1 # Normalised grid spacings at endpoints (normalised by their gap chord) dm_boundary = self.AR_stream * pitch_chord / nrt # * self.resolution_factor dm_mid = self.dspf_mid * AR_row / self.AR_merid dm_mid_unbladed = np.minimum( self.dspf_mid * AR_row * self.AR_merid_unbladed, 0.1 ) # dm_upstream_LE_unbladed = dm_TE * pitch_chord[0] / pitch_chord[1] # dm_downstream_TE_unbladed = dm_TE * pitch_chord[-1] / pitch_chord[1] if unbladed_row: Lu = np.insert(L, 1, 1.0) # npts = np.round(Lu / dm_boundary / 0.25).astype(int) npts = Lu / dm_mid_unbladed npts[0] /= pitch_chord[0] / pitch_chord[1] npts[2] /= pitch_chord[2] / pitch_chord[1] npts = np.round(npts).astype(int) t_upstream = np.linspace(-L[0], 0.0, npts[0]) t_chord = np.linspace(0.0, 1.0, npts[1]) t_downstream = np.linspace(0.0, L[1], npts[2]) + 1.0 t_upstream = util.resample(t_upstream, self.resolution_factor) t_downstream = util.resample(t_downstream, self.resolution_factor) t_chord = util.resample(t_chord, self.resolution_factor) t = np.concatenate([t_upstream, t_chord[1:], t_downstream[1:]]) ile = len(t_upstream) - 1 ite = ile + len(t_chord) - 1 else: # Convert the LE/TE grid spacings from chord-normalised to gap-normalised dm_upstream_LE = self.dm_LE * pitch_chord[0] / pitch_chord[1] dm_TE = (1.0 - tte) / self.ni_TE dm_downstream_TE = dm_TE * pitch_chord[-1] / pitch_chord[1] t_upstream = 1.0 - np.flip( dm_upstream_LE, dm_boundary[0] * L[0], self.ER_stream, 0.0, L[0] ) ) # Apply chord length adjustment factor dm_LE_adj = self.dm_LE / chord_factor dm_mid_adj = dm_mid / chord_factor dm_TE_adj = dm_TE / chord_factor t_chord = dm_LE_adj, dm_TE_adj, dm_mid_adj, self.ER_stream, 0.0, tte ) t_te = np.linspace(tte, 1.0, self.ni_TE) # free(dmin, dmax, ERmax, x0=0.0, x1=1.0, mult=8): t_downstream = dm_downstream_TE, dm_boundary[-1] * L[1], self.ER_stream, 0.0, L[1] ) # for _ in range(20): # try: # t_downstream = ( # util.cluster_one_sided_ER( # dm_downstream_TE / L[1], dm_boundary[-1], self.ER_stream # ) # * L[1] # ) # except ValueError: # dm_boundary[-1] *= 0.8 # continue t_upstream = util.resample(t_upstream, self.resolution_factor) t_downstream = util.resample(t_downstream, self.resolution_factor) t_te = util.resample(t_te, self.resolution_factor, mult=2) t_chord = util.resample(t_chord, self.resolution_factor) t = np.concatenate( [t_upstream - 1.0, t_chord[1:], t_te[1:], t_downstream[1:] + 1.0] ) dt = np.diff(t) assert (dt > 0.0).all() ile = len(t_upstream) - 1 ite = ile + len(t_chord) + len(t_te) - 2 return t, ile, ite def pitchwise_relaxation(self, stream_frac, pitch_chord): # Relax clustering towards a uniform distribution at inlet and exit dt_relax = ( np.ones((2,)) * self.nchord_relax * pitch_chord[ (0, -1), ] / pitch_chord[1] ) relax_ref = np.array([1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0]) t_ref = np.array([-dt_relax[0], 0.0, 1.0, 1.0 + dt_relax[1]]) return np.interp(stream_frac, t_ref, relax_ref)
def _theta_limits( tq, xrt_u, xrt_l, mlim, Theta=(0.0, 0.0), c=(1.0, 1.0), Theta_max=30.0 ): """Evaluate pitchwise limits given upper/lower surface section coordinates.""" # Put geometric leading edge where it should be # Must handle axial and radial inlets differently # If x varies more than r near LE, is axial, split on min x if np.ptp(xrt_u[0][:10]) > np.ptp(xrt_u[1][:10]): ind_split = 0 iule = np.argmin(xrt_u[ind_split]) ille = np.argmin(xrt_l[ind_split]) # Otherwise, is radial, split on max r elif xrt_u[1][0] < xrt_u[1][-1]: ind_split = 1 iule = np.argmin(xrt_u[ind_split]) ille = np.argmin(xrt_l[ind_split]) else: ind_split = 1 iule = np.argmax(xrt_u[ind_split]) ille = np.argmax(xrt_l[ind_split]) # If the geometric leading edge is on upper surface # we need to move some points from upper to lower if xrt_u[ind_split][iule] < xrt_l[ind_split][ille]: xrt_l = np.concatenate( (np.flip(xrt_u[:, 1 : iule + 1], axis=-1), xrt_l), axis=-1 ) xrt_u = xrt_u[:, iule:] # If the geometric leading edge is on lower surface # we need to move some points from lower to upper elif xrt_u[ind_split][iule] > xrt_l[ind_split][ille]: xrt_u = np.concatenate( (np.flip(xrt_l[:, 1 : ille + 1], axis=-1), xrt_u), axis=-1 ) xrt_l = xrt_l[:, ille:] # Join the curves together at trailing edge if xrt_u[ind_split].max() > xrt_l[ind_split].max(): xrt_l = np.concatenate((xrt_l, xrt_u[:, (-1,)]), axis=-1) else: xrt_u = np.concatenate((xrt_u, xrt_l[:, (-1,)]), axis=-1) # Evaluate normalised meridional distances for each surface m_u = util.cum_arc_length(xrt_u[:2]) m_l = util.cum_arc_length(xrt_l[:2]) m_u /= m_u[-1] m_l /= m_l[-1] m_u = mlim[0] + np.ptp(mlim) * m_u m_l = mlim[0] + np.ptp(mlim) * m_l # Interpolate the pitchwise limits # Values outside unit interval constant at boundary values theta_u = np.interp(tq, m_u, xrt_u[2]) theta_l = np.interp(tq, m_l, xrt_l[2]) # Look for any turning points in last 5% chord # These correspond to TE corner dtheta_u = np.diff(theta_u, n=1) dtheta_l = np.diff(theta_l, n=1) ind_l_up, ind_l_dn = util.zero_crossings(dtheta_l) ind_u_up, ind_u_dn = util.zero_crossings(dtheta_u) ind_l_te = ind_l_up[tq[ind_l_up] > mlim[1] - 0.2] ind_u_te = ind_u_dn[tq[ind_u_dn] > mlim[1] - 0.2] # If the process for setting tte does not work, then # arbitrarily cluster grid over last 1.0% chord # tte = mlim[1] -0.005 tte = None if ind_l_te.size > 0: # print(f'TE on lower at {ind_l_te[0]}') tte = tq[ind_l_te[-1]] elif ind_u_te.size > 0: # print(f'TE on upper at {ind_u_te[0]}') tte = tq[ind_u_te[-1]] else: tte = mlim[1] - 0.01 if np.any(theta_u < theta_l): raise Exception("Blade is thicker than calculated pitch!") r_u = np.interp(tq, m_u, xrt_u[1]) r_l = np.interp(tq, m_l, xrt_l[1]) rref = 0.5 * (r_u + r_l) # Skew the mesh upstream of LE and downstream of TE dtheta_skew = np.zeros_like(theta_u) ind_up = tq < mlim[0] ind_dn = tq > mlim[1] Theta_now = np.clip(Theta, -Theta_max, Theta_max) tanTheta = np.tan(np.radians(Theta_now)) if ind_up.any(): dtheta_skew[ind_up] = ( tanTheta[0] * c[0] * util.cumtrapz0(1.0 / rref[ind_up], tq[ind_up]) ) dtheta_skew[ind_up] -= dtheta_skew[ind_up][-1] if ind_dn.any(): dtheta_skew[ind_dn] = ( tanTheta[1] * c[1] * util.cumtrapz0(1.0 / rref[ind_dn], tq[ind_dn]) ) theta_u += dtheta_skew theta_l += dtheta_skew return theta_u, theta_l, tte
[docs] def make_grid(mac, mesh_config, dhub, dcas, dsurf, unbladed): """Generate a Grid object for a machine geometry.""""Generating an H-mesh...") if dsurf.shape[0] == 1: dsurf = np.tile(dsurf, (2, 1)) # Spanwise grid vector # From hub/casing spacings and ER span_ref = mac.ann.span[0] dspf_hub = dhub / span_ref dspf_casing = dhub / span_ref blocks = [] # Loop over rows nrow = mac.Nrow assert dsurf.shape == (2, nrow) theta_lim = None for irow in range(nrow): logger.debug(f"irow={irow}") # Angular pitch pitch_theta = 2.0 * np.pi / float(mac.Nb[irow]) # Evaluate xr over a uniform grid mrow = np.linspace(2.0 * irow + 1.0, 2.0 * irow + 2) xr_hub = mac.ann.evaluate_xr(mrow, 0.0) xr_cas = mac.ann.evaluate_xr(mrow, 1.0) xr_mid = mac.ann.evaluate_xr(mrow, 0.5) # Meridional chord lengths at midspan of gaps and aerofoils ist = 2 * irow ien = ist + 3 chord_hub = mac.ann.chords(0.0)[ist:ien] chord_mid = mac.ann.chords(0.5)[ist:ien] chord_cas = mac.ann.chords(1.0)[ist:ien] # Circumferential pitches pitch_rtheta_hub = pitch_theta * xr_hub[1] pitch_rtheta_cas = pitch_theta * xr_cas[1] # Pitch to chord ratios at hub, mid tip pitch_chord_hub = pitch_rtheta_hub / chord_hub[1] pitch_chord_cas = pitch_rtheta_cas / chord_cas[1] pitch_chord_ref = pitch_theta * xr_mid[1].mean() / chord_mid pitch_chord_max = np.maximum(pitch_chord_hub.max(), pitch_chord_cas.max()) pitch_rtheta_max = np.maximum(pitch_rtheta_hub.max(), pitch_rtheta_cas.max()) # Normalised wall distance drt_norm = dsurf[:, irow].min() / pitch_rtheta_max # Row aspect ratios span_row = np.mean(mac.ann.span[irow * 2 : (irow * 2 + 2)]) AR_row = span_row / chord_mid[1] # Nominal pitch fractions first if unbladed[irow]: if irow == 0: nk_not_resampled = 33 pitch_frac_nom = np.linspace(0., 1., nk_not_resampled) else: pitch_frac_nom = mesh_config.pitchwise_grid_unbladed( AR_row, pitch_chord_ref[1] ) else: safety_fac = 1.01 pitch_frac_nom = mesh_config.pitchwise_grid( drt_norm, pitch_chord_max * safety_fac, AR_row ) logger.debug( f"Nominal pitchwise grid: {drt_norm}, {pitch_chord_max}, {AR_row}" ) logger.debug("Checking we can recluster") pitch_frac_not_resampled = mesh_config.pitchwise_grid( drt_norm, pitch_chord_max * safety_fac, AR_row, resample=False ) mesh_config.pitchwise_grid_fixed_npts( drt_norm, pitch_chord_max, AR_row, len(pitch_frac_not_resampled) ) nk_not_resampled = len(pitch_frac_not_resampled) nk = len(pitch_frac_nom) logger.debug(f"nk={nk}, nk_not_resampled={nk_not_resampled}") # Spanwise grid tip_ref = np.max(mac.tip) span_frac = mesh_config.spanwise_grid(dspf_hub, dspf_casing, tip_ref) nj = len(span_frac) # Streamwise grid # From LE/TE/bcond spacings and ER # Choose how long to make the inlet/exit if nrow == 1: L = (1.0, 1.0) elif irow == 0: L = (1.0, 0.5) elif irow == (nrow - 1): L = (0.5, 1.0) else: L = (0.5, 0.5) # Generate initial streamwise grid vector at midspan # This fixes number of points and roughly distributes points if unbladed[irow]: tte = None elif mesh_config.dm_TE: tte = 1.0 - mesh_config.dm_TE else: xrt_u, xrt_l = mac.bld[irow].evaluate_section(0.5) mlim_now = np.array((0, 1)) tq = np.linspace(0.8, 1.0, 500) _, _, tte = _theta_limits(tq, xrt_u, xrt_l, mlim_now) # Streamwise grid stream_frac, ile, ite = mesh_config.streamwise_grid( pitch_chord_ref, nk_not_resampled, L, AR_row, tte, unbladed_row=unbladed[irow], ) # # Apply some warping to the hub and casing stream fractions # mov = mesh_config.warp_stream # delta_hub = np.interp( # stream_frac, [0.0, mesh_config.mwarp_stream, 1.0], [0.0, mov, 0.0] # ) # delta_cas = np.interp( # stream_frac, [0.0, mesh_config.mwarp_stream, 1.0], [0.0, -mov, 0.0] # ) stream_frac_hub = stream_frac # + delta_hub stream_frac_cas = stream_frac # + delta_cas # import matplotlib.pyplot as plt # fig, ax = plt.subplots() # ax.plot(stream_frac) # ax.plot(stream_frac_hub) # ax.plot(stream_frac_cas) # plt.savefig('beans.pdf') # quit() ni = len(stream_frac) # No repeated grid points assert len(np.unique(stream_frac)) == ni # Grid points should monotonically increase assert (np.diff(stream_frac) > 0.0).all() spfr = span_frac.reshape(1, -1) stream_frac_span = stream_frac_cas.reshape( -1, 1 ) * spfr + stream_frac_hub.reshape(-1, 1) * (1.0 - spfr) for j in range(nj): if unbladed[irow]: mlim_now = (0, 1) else: mlim_now = mac.bld[irow]._get_mlim(span_frac[j]) stream_frac_span[:, j] = np.interp( stream_frac_span[:, j], [-1, 0, 1, 2], [-1, mlim_now[0], mlim_now[1], 2] ) xr = mac.ann.evaluate_xr(stream_frac_span + ist + 1.0, spfr) # Relax the pitchwise clustering away from LE and TE if unbladed[irow]: relax = 1.0 else: relax = mesh_config.pitchwise_relaxation( stream_frac, pitch_chord_ref ).reshape(-1, 1, 1) uniform = np.linspace(0.0, 1.0, nk).reshape(1, 1, -1) assert np.all(relax >= 0.0) and np.all(relax <= 1.0) pitch_frac_clust = np.empty((ni, nj, nk)) # Get skew angles if unbladed[irow]: pass else: Theta = mac.bld[irow].get_chi(0.5) # Loop over spans and get the angular limits from blade section if unbladed[irow]: if theta_lim is not None: theta_lim_old = theta_lim.copy() else: theta_lim_old = np.zeros((2, ni, nj)) Nb = mac.Nb[irow] dtheta = 2.0 * np.pi / float(Nb) theta_lim_old[0] = -dtheta / 2.0 theta_lim_old[1] = +dtheta / 2.0 Theta = np.zeros((2,)) # raise Exception( # "No theta limits from previous row to set unbladed row pitch" # ) theta_lim = np.zeros((2, ni, nj)) # Get skew angle from previous blade row Theta_unbladed = Theta[-1] if not np.isfinite(Theta_unbladed): raise Exception(f"Theta unbladed {Theta_unbladed}") Theta_max = 30.0 Theta_now = np.clip(Theta_unbladed, -Theta_max, Theta_max) tanTheta = np.tan(np.radians(Theta_now)) # Skew the mesh upstream of LE and downstream of TE ind_up = stream_frac < 0.0 ind_dn = stream_frac > 1.0 ind_mid = np.logical_and(stream_frac >= 0.0, stream_frac <= 1.0) for j in range(nj): for i in range(ni): pitch_frac_clust[i, j, :] = pitch_frac_nom if np.isfinite(tlimold_now := theta_lim_old[0, -1, j]): theta_lim[:, :, j] += tlimold_now dtheta_skew = np.zeros_like(stream_frac) chord_fac = np.ones_like(stream_frac) chord_fac[ind_up] *= chord_mid[0] chord_fac[ind_mid] *= chord_mid[1] chord_fac[ind_dn] *= chord_mid[2] # # Retrieve exit angle from previous blade row # try: dtheta_skew = tanTheta * util.cumtrapz0( chord_fac / xr[1, :, j], stream_frac ) if not np.isfinite(dtheta_skew).all(): raise Exception("dtheta_skew not finite") theta_lim[:, :, j] += dtheta_skew # except: # pass else: theta_lim = np.zeros((2, ni, nj)) if not mesh_config.recluster: pitch_frac_clust = np.tile( pitch_frac_nom.reshape(1, 1, -1), (ni, nj, 1) ) else: for j in range(nj): for i in range(ni): rt_pitch_now = xr[1, i, j] * pitch_theta # Determine position along blade mlim_now = mac.bld[irow]._get_mlim(span_frac[j]) mclip = np.interp(stream_frac_span[i, j], mlim_now, [0, 1]) mfrac = np.array([1.0 - mclip, mclip]) drt_norm_now = np.sum(dsurf[:, irow] * mfrac) / rt_pitch_now try: pitch_frac_clust[ i, j, : ] = mesh_config.pitchwise_grid_fixed_npts( drt_norm_now, pitch_chord_ref[1], AR_row, nk_not_resampled, ) except ValueError: raise Exception( f"Failed to recluster: {drt_norm_now}," f" {pitch_chord_ref[1]}, {AR_row}" ) assert np.isfinite(pitch_frac_clust).all() # Smooth the pitch fraction in i and j directions for _ in range(5): pitch_frac_clust[1:-1, 1:-1, :] = 0.25 * ( pitch_frac_clust[:-2, 1:-1, :] + pitch_frac_clust[2:, 1:-1, :] + pitch_frac_clust[1:-1, :-2, :] + pitch_frac_clust[1:-1, 2:, :] ) assert (pitch_frac_clust >= 0.0).all() assert (pitch_frac_clust <= 1.0).all() for j in range(nj): xrt_u, xrt_l = mac.bld[irow].evaluate_section(span_frac[j]) assert np.all(xrt_u[2] >= xrt_l[2]) xrt_u_rep = xrt_u.copy() xrt_u_rep[-1] += 2.0 * np.pi / 20.0 xrt_l_rep = xrt_l.copy() xrt_l_rep[-1] += 2.0 * np.pi / 20.0 xrrt_u_rep = xrt_u_rep.copy() xrrt_u_rep[-1] *= xrrt_u_rep[1] xrrt_l_rep = xrt_l_rep.copy() xrrt_l_rep[-1] *= xrrt_l_rep[1] xrrt_u = xrt_u.copy() xrrt_u[-1] *= xrrt_u[1] xrrt_l = xrt_l.copy() xrrt_l[-1] *= xrrt_l[1] # Get tte of current section and warp the streamwise grid # vector to locate trailing edge exactly mlim_now = mac.bld[irow]._get_mlim(span_frac[j]) stream_frac_now = stream_frac_span[:, j] xr[..., j] = mac.ann.evaluate_xr( stream_frac_now + ist + 1.0, span_frac[j] ) theta_lim[..., j] = _theta_limits( stream_frac_now, xrt_u, xrt_l, mlim_now, Theta, chord_mid[ (0, -1), ], Theta_max=mesh_config.skew_max, )[:2] assert np.isfinite(xr).all() assert np.isfinite(pitch_frac_clust).all() assert np.isfinite(theta_lim).all() # pitch_frac_relax = (1.0 - relax) * pitch_frac + relax * uniform assert np.isfinite(relax).all() assert np.isfinite(uniform).all() pitch_frac_relax = (1.0 - relax) * pitch_frac_clust + relax * uniform assert np.isfinite(pitch_frac_relax).all() assert (pitch_frac_relax >= 0.0).all() and (pitch_frac_relax <= 1.0).all() # Pinch the tip if mac.tip[irow] and not unbladed[irow]: theta_mid = np.mean(theta_lim, axis=0, keepdims=True) tau = mac.tip[irow] pinch_frac = np.interp( span_frac, [1.0 - 1.5 * tau, 1.0 - 0.6 * tau, 1.0], [0.0, 1.0, 1.0] ).reshape(1, 1, -1) theta_lim = pinch_frac * theta_mid + (1.0 - pinch_frac) * theta_lim njtip = np.sum(pinch_frac == 1.0) else: njtip = 0 # Convert all matrices to 3d xr3 = np.tile(np.expand_dims(xr, 3), (1, 1, 1, nk)) # Add pitchwise index pfr3 = np.expand_dims(pitch_frac_relax, 0) # Add coord index theta_lim3 = np.expand_dims(theta_lim, 3) # Add pitchwise index assert (np.diff(theta_lim3, axis=0) <= 0.0).all() # Evaluate the angular coordinates and assemble theta = np.flip( pfr3 * theta_lim3[ (0,), ] + (1.0 - pfr3) * ( theta_lim3[ (1,), ] + pitch_theta ), axis=-1, ) assert np.isfinite(pitch_theta) assert np.isfinite(theta).all() if unbladed[irow]: assert np.allclose( theta[0, :, :, -1] - theta[0, :, :, 0], pitch_theta, rtol=1e-4 ) else: assert np.allclose( theta[0, : (ile + 1), :, -1] - theta[0, : (ile + 1), :, 0], pitch_theta, rtol=1e-4, ) assert np.allclose( theta[0, ite:, :, -1] - theta[0, ite:, :, 0], pitch_theta, rtol=1e-4 ) xrt_now = np.concatenate([xr3, theta], axis=0) # Make periodic patches if unbladed[irow]: patches = [ turbigen.grid.PeriodicPatch(i=(0, -1), k=0, label="per_k0"), turbigen.grid.PeriodicPatch(i=(0, -1), k=-1, label="per_nk"), ] else: patches = [ turbigen.grid.PeriodicPatch(i=(0, ile), k=0), turbigen.grid.PeriodicPatch(i=(0, ile), k=-1), turbigen.grid.PeriodicPatch(i=(ite, -1), k=0), turbigen.grid.PeriodicPatch(i=(ite, -1), k=-1), ] # Inlet or mixing if irow == 0: patches.append(turbigen.grid.InletPatch(i=0)) else: patches.append(turbigen.grid.MixingPatch(i=0)) # Outlet or mixing if irow == (nrow - 1): patches.append(turbigen.grid.OutletPatch(i=-1)) else: patches.append(turbigen.grid.MixingPatch(i=-1)) # Tip gap if njtip: patches.extend( [ turbigen.grid.PeriodicPatch(i=(ile, ite), j=(-njtip, -1), k=0), turbigen.grid.PeriodicPatch(i=(ile, ite), j=(-njtip, -1), k=-1), ] ) blocks.append( turbigen.grid.BaseBlock.from_coordinates( xrt_now, mac.Nb[irow].astype(int), patches ) ) g = turbigen.grid.Grid(blocks) g.match_patches() return g