Source code for turbigen.meanline.axial_turbine

"""Mean-line design for an axial turbine stage, assuming perfect gas."""
from turbigen import compflow_native as compflow
import warnings
from scipy.optimize import root_scalar
import turbigen.flowfield
import turbigen.fluid
import numpy as np

[docs] def forward( So1, htr, Omega, Alpha1, phi, psi, Lam, Ma2, eta, loss_split=0.5, VmR12=1.0, VmR23=1.0, ): r"""Design the mean-line for an axial turbine stage. Parameters ---------- So1: State Object specifing the working fluid and its state at inlet. htr: float Hub-to-tip radius ratio, :math:`\htr`. Omega: float Shaft angular velocity, :math:`\Omega` [rad/s]. phi : float Flow coefficient, :math:`\phi`. psi : float Stage loading coefficient, :math:`\psi`. Lam : float Degree of reaction, :math:`\Lambda`. Al1 : float Inlet yaw angle, :math:`\alpha_1`. Ma2 : float Vane exit Mach number, :math:`\Ma_2`. ga : float Ratio of specific heats, :math:`\gamma`. eta : float Guess of polytropic efficiency, :math:`\eta`. loss_split : float Guess of entropy rise split between stator and rotor. VmR12 : float Meridional velocity ratio VmR23 : float Meridional velocity ratio Returns ------- ml: MeanLine An object specifying the flow along the mean line. """ # if not isinstance(So1, fluid.PerfectState): # raise NotImplementedError("axial_turbine does not support real gases") ga = So1.gamma rgas = So1.rgas P_Po1, T_To1, Vx_U, Vt_U, Dr_Drin, U_sqrt_cpTo1 = _nondim_stage_from_Lam( phi, # Flow coefficient [--] psi, # Stage loading coefficient [--] Lam, # Degree of reaction [--] Alpha1, # Inlet yaw angle [deg] Ma2, # Vane exit Mach number [--] ga, # Ratio of specific heats [--] eta, # Polytropic efficiency [--] (VmR12, VmR23), # Axial velocity ratios [--] loss_split, # Fraction of stator loss [--] ) cp = rgas * ga / (ga - 1.0) # Use non-dimensional blade speed to get U, hence mean radius U = U_sqrt_cpTo1 * np.sqrt(cp * So1.T) P = np.repeat(P_Po1 * So1.P, [1, 2, 1]) T = np.repeat(T_To1 * So1.T, [1, 2, 1]) Dr_Drin = np.repeat(Dr_Drin, [1, 2, 1]) Vx = np.repeat(Vx_U, [1, 2, 1]) * U Vt = np.repeat(Vt_U, [1, 2, 1]) * U Vr = np.zeros_like(Vx) rm = U / Omega * np.ones_like(P) # Use hub-to-tip ratio to set span (mdot will therefore float) Dr_rm = 2.0 * (1.0 - htr) / (1.0 + htr) span = rm * Dr_rm * np.array(Dr_Drin) A = 2.0 * np.pi * rm * span rhub = rm - 0.5 * span rtip = rm + 0.5 * span rrms = np.sqrt(0.5 * (rhub**2.0 + rtip**2.0)) Omega = np.array([0.0, 0.0, Omega, Omega]) Vxrt = np.stack((Vx, Vr, Vt)) S = turbigen.fluid.PerfectState.from_properties(cp, ga,, shape=rm.shape) S.set_P_T(P, T) ml = turbigen.flowfield.make_mean_line(rrms, A, Omega, Vxrt, S) return ml
[docs] def inverse(ml): """Given mean-line flow, extract design parameters for a turbine stage. Parameters ---------- ml: MeanLine A mean-line object specifying the flow in an axial turbine. Returns ------- out : dict Dictionary of aerodynamic design parameters with fields: `So1`, `htr`, `Omega`, `Alpha1`, `phi`, `psi`, `Lam`, `Ma2`, `eta`, `loss_split`, `VmR12`, `VmR23`. The fields have the same meanings as in :func:`forward`. """ psi = -(ml.ho[-1] - ml.ho[0]) / (ml.U[2] ** 2.0) Lam = (ml.h[3] - ml.h[2]) / (ml.h[3] - ml.h[0]) loss_split = (ml.s[1] - ml.s[0]) / np.ptp(ml.s) out = { "So1": ml.empty().set_P_h(ml.Po[0], ml.ho[0]), "htr": ml.htr[0], "Omega": ml.Omega[-1], "Alpha1": ml.Alpha[0], "phi": ml.phi[2], "psi": psi, "Lam": Lam, "Ma2": ml.Ma[1], "eta": ml.eta_poly, "loss_split": loss_split, "VmR12": ml.VmR[0], "VmR23": ml.VmR[-1], } return out
def _nondim_stage_from_Lam( phi, # Flow coefficient [--] psi, # Stage loading coefficient [--] Lam, # Degree of reaction [--] Al1, # Inlet yaw angle [deg] Ma2, # Vane exit Mach number [--] ga, # Ratio of specific heats [--] eta, # Polytropic efficiency [--] Vx_rat=(1.0, 1.0), # Axial velocity ratios [--] loss_rat=0.5, # Fraction of stator loss [--] mdotc_mdot1=(0.0, 0.0), # Coolant flows as fraction of inlet [--] Toc_Toinf=(1.0, 1.0), # Local coolant temperature ratios [--] preswirl_factor=0.0, # Preswirl factor [--] ): r"""Get geometry for an aerodynamic parameter set specifying reaction. A turbine designer is more interested in the degree of reaction of a stage, which controls the balance of loading between rotor and stator, rather than the exit yaw angle which has no such general physical interpretation. However, there is no analytical solution that will yield geometry at a fixed reaction. This function iterates exit yaw angle in :func:`nondim_stage_from_Al` to find the value which corresponds to the desired reaction, and returns a non-dimensional stage geometry. Parameters ---------- phi : float Flow coefficient, :math:`\phi`. psi : float Stage loading coefficient, :math:`\psi`. Lam : float Degree of reaction, :math:`\Lambda`. Al1 : float Inlet yaw angle, :math:`\alpha_1`. Ma2 : float Vane exit Mach number, :math:`\Ma_2`. ga : float Ratio of specific heats, :math:`\gamma`. eta : float Polytropic efficiency, :math:`\eta`. Vx_rat : array, default=(1.,1.) Axial velocity ratios, :math:`(\zeta_1,\zeta_3)`. Returns ------- stg : NonDimStage Stage geometry and some secondary calculated aerodynamic parameters represented as a NonDimStage object. """ # Iteration step: returns error in reaction as function of exit yaw angle def iter_Al(x): Lam_now = _nondim_stage_from_Al( phi, psi, [Al1, x], Ma2, ga, eta, Vx_rat, loss_rat, mdotc_mdot1, Toc_Toinf, preswirl_factor, )[0] return Lam_now - Lam # Solving for Lam in general is tricky # Our strategy is to map out a coarse curve first, pick a point # close to the desired reaction, then Newton iterate # Evaluate guesses over entire possible yaw angle range Al_guess = np.linspace(-89.0, 89.0, 21) Lam_guess = np.zeros_like(Al_guess) # Catch errors if this guess of angle is horrible/non-physical for i in range(len(Al_guess)): with np.errstate(invalid="ignore"): try: Lam_guess[i] = iter_Al(Al_guess[i]) except (ValueError, FloatingPointError): Lam_guess[i] = np.nan # Remove invalid values Al_guess = Al_guess[~np.isnan(Lam_guess)] Lam_guess = Lam_guess[~np.isnan(Lam_guess)] # Trim to the region between minimum and maximum reaction # Now the slope will be monotonic i1, i2 = np.argmax(Lam_guess), np.argmin(Lam_guess) Al_guess, Lam_guess = Al_guess[i1:i2], Lam_guess[i1:i2] # Start the Newton iteration at minimum error point i0 = np.argmin(np.abs(Lam_guess)) # Catch the warning from scipy that derivatives are zero with warnings.catch_warnings(): warnings.filterwarnings("error") Al_soln = root_scalar( iter_Al, bracket=tuple( Al_guess[ (i0 - 1, i0 + 1), ] ), ).root # Once we have a solution for the exit flow angle, evaluate stage geometry _, P_Po1, T_To1, Vx_U, Vt_U, Dr_Drin, U_sqrt_cpTo1 = _nondim_stage_from_Al( phi, psi, [Al1, Al_soln], Ma2, ga, eta, Vx_rat, loss_rat, mdotc_mdot1, Toc_Toinf, preswirl_factor, ) return P_Po1, T_To1, Vx_U, Vt_U, Dr_Drin, U_sqrt_cpTo1 def _nondim_stage_from_Al( phi, # Flow coefficient [--] psi, # Stage loading coefficient [--] Al13, # Yaw angles [deg] Ma2, # Vane exit Mach number [--] ga, # Ratio of specific heats [--] eta, # Polytropic efficiency [--] Vx_rat=(1.0, 1.0), # Axial velocity ratios [--] loss_rat=0.5, # Fraction of stator loss [--] mdotc_mdot1=(0.0, 0.0), # Coolant flows as fraction of inlet [--] Toc_Toinf=(1.0, 1.0), # Local coolant temperature ratios [--] preswirl_factor=0.0, # Preswirl factor [--] ): r"""Get geometry for an aerodynamic parameter set specifying outlet swirl. This routine calculates the non-dimensional *geometric* parameters that correspond to an input set of non-dimensional *aerodynamic* parameters. In this way, a turbine designer can directly specify meaningful quantities that characterise the desired fluid dynamics while the precise blade and annulus geometry are abstracted away. The working fluid is a perfect gas obeying the standard compressible flow relations. The mean radius, angular velocity, and hence blade speed are constant throughout the turbine stage. From the output of this function, arbitrarily choosing one of angular velocity or mean radius, and providing an inlet stagnation state, will completely define the stage in dimensional terms. Coolant mass flows are specified as a fraction of the *inlet* mass flow. Coolant temperatures are specified as a ratio of coolant stagnation temperature to row inlet stagnation temperature, in the relative frame for rotors. Converting coolant temperatures to the absolute frame then requires knowledge of coolant preswirl. Change in relative stagnation temperature due to preswirl is a function of the factor, .. math :: \newcommand{\PS}{\mathrm{PS}} \frac{V_{\theta,\PS} r_\PS}{U r_\mathrm{m} Parameters ---------- phi : float Flow coefficient, :math:`\phi`. psi : float Stage loading coefficient, :math:`\psi`. Al13 : array Yaw angles at stage inlet and exit, :math:`(\alpha_1,\alpha_3)`. Ma2 : float Vane exit Mach number, :math:`\Ma_2`. ga : float Ratio of specific heats, :math:`\gamma`. eta : float Polytropic efficiency, :math:`\eta`. Vx_rat : array, default=(1.,1.) Axial velocity ratios, :math:`(\zeta_1,\zeta_3)`. Returns ------- stg : NonDimStage Stage geometry and some secondary calculated aerodynamic parameters represented as a NonDimStage object. """ # Rename coolant parameters for brevity fc = mdotc_mdot1 # # First, construct velocity triangles # # Euler work eqn from 2-3 sets tangential velocity upstream of rotor tanAl2 = ( np.tan(np.radians(Al13[1])) * Vx_rat[1] * (1.0 + fc[0] + fc[1]) / (1.0 + fc[0]) + psi / phi ) Al2 = np.degrees(np.arctan(tanAl2)) Al = np.insert(Al13, 1, Al2) cosAl = np.cos(np.radians(Al)) # Get non-dimensional velocities from definition of flow coefficient Vx_U = np.array([Vx_rat[0], 1.0, Vx_rat[1]]) * phi Vt_U = Vx_U * np.tan(np.radians(Al)) V_U = np.sqrt(Vx_U**2.0 + Vt_U**2.0) # Change reference frame for rotor-relative velocities and angles # Vtrel_U = Vt_U - 1.0 # Vrel_U = np.sqrt(Vx_U**2.0 + Vtrel_U**2.0) # Alrel = np.degrees(np.arctan2(Vtrel_U, Vx_U)) # Branch depending on compressor or turbine (cooling or bleed flow) # Vane coolant will reduce To2 # Simple because in absolute frame To2_To1 = (1.0 + fc[0] * Toc_Toinf[0]) / (1.0 + fc[0]) # Use Mach number to get U/cpTo1 V_sqrtcpTo2 = compflow.V_cpTo_from_Ma(Ma2, ga) U_sqrtcpTo1 = V_sqrtcpTo2 * np.sqrt(To2_To1) / V_U[1] Usq_cpTo1 = U_sqrtcpTo1**2.0 # Now determine absolute stagnation temperature for rotor coolant rel_factor_inf = 0.5 * Usq_cpTo1 * (1.0 - 2.0 * phi * tanAl2) rel_factor_cool = 0.5 * Usq_cpTo1 * (1.0 - 2.0 * preswirl_factor) Toc2_To1 = Toc_Toinf[1] * (To2_To1 + rel_factor_inf) - rel_factor_cool Toc2_To2 = Toc2_To1 / To2_To1 # Non-dimensional temperatures from U/cpTo Ma and stage loading definition cpTo1_Usq = 1.0 / Usq_cpTo1 cpTo2_Usq = cpTo1_Usq * To2_To1 cpTo3_Usq = (cpTo2_Usq * (1.0 + fc[0] + fc[1] * Toc2_To2) - psi) / ( 1.0 + fc[0] + fc[1] ) cpTo_Usq = np.array([cpTo1_Usq, cpTo2_Usq, cpTo3_Usq]) # Mach numbers and capacity from compressible flow relations Ma = compflow.Ma_from_V_cpTo(V_U / np.sqrt(cpTo_Usq), ga) # Marel = Ma * Vrel_U / V_U Q = compflow.mcpTo_APo_from_Ma(Ma, ga) Q_Q1 = Q / Q[0] # # Second, construct annulus line # # Use polytropic effy to get entropy change To_To1 = cpTo_Usq / cpTo_Usq[0] Ds_cp = -(1.0 - 1.0 / eta) * np.log(To_To1[-1]) # Somewhat arbitrarily, split loss using loss ratio (default 0.5) s_cp = np.hstack((0.0, loss_rat, 1.0)) * Ds_cp # Convert to stagnation pressures Po_Po1 = np.exp((ga / (ga - 1.0)) * (np.log(To_To1) + s_cp)) # Account for cooling or bleed flows mdot_mdot1 = np.array([1.0, 1.0 + fc[0], 1 + fc[0] + fc[1]]) # Use definition of capacity to get flow area ratios # Area ratios = span ratios because rm = const Dr_Drin = mdot_mdot1 * np.sqrt(To_To1) / Po_Po1 / Q_Q1 * cosAl[0] / cosAl # Evaluate some other useful secondary aerodynamic parameters T_To1 = To_To1 / compflow.To_T_from_Ma(Ma, ga) P_Po1 = Po_Po1 / compflow.Po_P_from_Ma(Ma, ga) # Porel_Po1 = P_Po1 * compflow.Po_P_from_Ma(Marel, ga) # Reformulate loss as stagnation pressure loss coefficients # Turbine Lam = (T_To1[2] - T_To1[1]) / (T_To1[2] - T_To1[0]) # Yp_vane = (Po_Po1[0] - Po_Po1[1]) / (Po_Po1[0] - P_Po1[0]) # Yp_blade = (Porel_Po1[1] - Porel_Po1[2]) / (Porel_Po1[1] - P_Po1[1]) return Lam, P_Po1, T_To1, Vx_U, Vt_U, Dr_Drin, np.sqrt(Usq_cpTo1)