import numpy as np
from turbigen import util
import turbigen.flowfield
def forward(
So1, span1, span2, Alpha1, Alpha2, Ma2, Yh=0.0, htr=0.99, RR=1.0, Beta=(0.0, 0.0)
r"""Design the mean-line for a single-row stationary cascade.
The minimal set of design choices are: spans, yaw angles, and exit Mach
number. Optionally, loss can be acounted for using an energy loss
coefficient. For annular cascades, a hub-to-tip ratio, radius change and
pitch angles become additional free variables.
So1: State
Object specifing the working fluid and its state at inlet.
span1, span2: float
Inlet and outlet spans, :math:`H`.
Alpha1: float
Alpha2: float
Inlet and outlet yaw angles, :math:`\alpha/^\circ`.
Ma2: float
Exit Mach number, :math:`\Ma_2`.
Yh: float
Estimate of the row energy loss coefficient, :math:`Y_h`. Uses compressor
definition for diffusing passages, and turbine definition for
contracting passages.
htr: float
Inlet hub-to-tip radius ratio, :math:`\htr`, defaults to just less than
unity to approximate a linear cascade.
RR: float
Outlet to inlet radius ration, :math:`r_2/r_1`.
Beta: (2,) array
Inlet and outlet pitch angles, :math:`\beta/^\circ`. Only makes sense
to be non-zero if radius ratio is not unity.
ml: MeanLine
An object specifying the flow along the mean line.
span = np.array((span1, span2))
Alpha = np.array((Alpha1, Alpha2))
span = np.reshape(span, 2)
Alpha = np.reshape(Alpha, 2)
Beta = np.reshape(Beta, 2)
# Trig
cosBeta = util.cosd(Beta)
cosAlpha = util.cosd(Alpha)
tanAlpha = util.tand(Alpha)
# Evaluate geometry first
span_rm1 = (1.0 - htr) / (1.0 + htr) * 2.0 / cosBeta[0]
rm1 = span[0] / span_rm1
rm = np.array([1.0, RR]) * rm1
rh = rm - 0.5 * span * cosBeta
rt = rm + 0.5 * span * cosBeta
rrms = np.sqrt(0.5 * (rh**2.0 + rt**2.0))
A = 2.0 * np.pi * rm * span
Aflow = A * cosAlpha
AR = Aflow[1] / Aflow[0]
# We will have to guess an entropy rise, then update it according to the
# loss coefficients and Mach number
ds = 0.0
err = np.inf
atol_Ma = 1e-7
Ma1 = 0.0
for i in range(10):
# Conserve energy to get exit stagnation state
So2 = So1.copy().set_h_s(So1.h, So1.s + ds)
# Static states
S2 = So2.to_static(Ma2)
S1 = So1.to_static(Ma1)
# Velocities from Mach number
V2 = S2.a * Ma2
Vt2 = V2 * np.sqrt(tanAlpha[1] ** 2.0 / (1.0 + tanAlpha[1] ** 2.0))
Vm2 = np.sqrt(V2**2.0 - Vt2**2.0)
# Mass flow and inlet static state
mdot = S2.rho * Vm2 * A[-1]
Vm1 = mdot / S1.rho / A[0]
Vt1 = tanAlpha[0] * Vm1
V1 = np.sqrt(Vm1**2.0 + Vt1**2.0)
# Update inlet Mach
Ma1_new = V1 / S1.a
err = Ma1 - Ma1_new
Ma1 = Ma1_new
if np.abs(err) < atol_Ma:
# Update loss using appropriate definition
horef = So1.h
if AR >= 1.0:
# Compressor
href = S1.h
# Turbine
href = S2.h
# Ideal state is isentropic to the exit static pressure
S2s = S2.copy().set_P_s(S2.P, So1.s)
h2_new = S2s.h + Yh * (horef - href)
S2_new = S2.copy().set_P_h(S2.P, h2_new)
ds = S2_new.s - So1.s
# Verify the loop has converged
Yh_out = (S2.h - S2s.h) / (horef - href)
assert np.isclose(Yh_out, Yh, atol=1e-3)
# Assemble the data
S = S1.stack((S1, S2))
Ma = np.array((Ma1, Ma2))
V = S.a * Ma
Vxrt = np.stack(util.angles_to_velocities(V, Alpha, Beta))
Omega = np.zeros_like(Vxrt[0])
ml = turbigen.flowfield.make_mean_line(rrms, A, Omega, Vxrt, S)
# Check mass, energy conserved
assert np.ptp(ml.mdot) < ml.mdot[0] * 1e-3
assert np.ptp(ml.ho) / np.mean(ml.cp) < 0.1
return ml
def inverse(ml):
"""Reverse a cascade mean-line to design variables.
ml: MeanLine
A mean-line object specifying the flow in a cascade.
out : dict
Dictionary of aerodynamic design parameters with fields: `So1`,
`span1`, `span2`, `Alpha1`, `Alpha2`, `Ma2`, `Yh`, `htr`, `RR`, `Beta`.
The fields have the same meanings as in :func:`forward`.
# Pull out states
S2s = ml.empty().set_P_s(ml.P[-1], ml.s[0])
# Loss coefficient
horef = ml.ho[0]
if ml.ARflow[0] >= 1.0:
# Compressor
href = ml.h[0]
# Turbine
href = ml.h[1]
Yh_out = (ml.h[1] - S2s.h) / (horef - href)
out = {
"So1": ml.stagnation[0],
"span1": ml.span[0],
"span2": ml.span[1],
"Alpha1": ml.Alpha[0],
"Alpha2": ml.Alpha[1],
"Ma2": ml.Ma[1],
"Yh": Yh_out,
"htr": ml.htr[0],
"RR": ml.RR[0],
"Beta": ml.Beta.tolist(),
return out