"""Mean-line design of a radial impeller with vaneless diffuser"""
import numpy as np
import turbigen.flowfield
def forward(
"""Design the mean-line for a vaneless radial compressor.
So1: State
Object specifing the working fluid and its state at inlet.
PR_tt : float
Stagnation pressure ratio
eta_tt : float
Estimate of total-to-total isentropic efficiency.
mdot : float
Mass flow rate.
Alpha1 : float
Impeller inlet yaw angle.
Ma1_rel : float
Impeller inlet relative Mach number.
htr1 : float
Impeller inlet hub-to-tip ratio.
Alpha2_rel : float
Impeller exit yaw angle.
loss_split : float
Guess of entropy rise split between impeller and diffuser.
DHimp : float
Impeller de Haller number.
DHdiff : float
Diffuser de Haller number.
ml: MeanLine
An object specifying the flow along the mean line.
# Fully radial outlet pitch angle
Beta2 = 90.0
# Calculate outlet state using
Po3 = So1.P * PR_tt
So3s = So1.copy().set_P_s(Po3, So1.s)
ho3 = So1.h + (So3s.h - So1.h) / eta_tt
So3 = So1.copy().set_P_h(Po3, ho3)
# We shall use the following notation for states
# (1) impeller inlet
# (2) impeller outlet
# (3) diffuser outlet
# Precalculate some trig
tanAlpha1 = np.tan(np.radians(Alpha1))
cosAlpha1 = np.cos(np.radians(Alpha1))
tanAlpha2_rel = np.tan(np.radians(Alpha2_rel))
tanBeta2 = np.tan(np.radians(Beta2))
# (i) set rotor inlet state using, Ma1_rel, Al1, phi, Ypigv
# Solve for the axial Mach at rotor inlet
Max1 = Ma1_rel * (1.0 + (tanAlpha1 - 1.0 / phi1) ** 2.0) ** -0.5
# Resolve by IGV angle to get total Mach
Ma1 = Max1 / cosAlpha1
S1 = So1.to_static(Ma1)
# # Guess lossless and iterate
# So1 = Soin.copy()
maxiter = 10
# for _ in range(maxiter):
# Po1 = So1.P - Ypigv * (So1.P - S1.P)
# So1.set_P_h(Po1, Soin.h)
# (ii) evaluate rotor inlet velocities and geometry using mdot, htr
# Velocities
Vx1 = Max1 * S1.a
Vrel1 = Ma1_rel * S1.a
Vt1 = Vx1 * tanAlpha1
U1 = Vx1 / phi1
# Geometry
A1 = mdot / Vx1 / S1.rho
# rmid1 = np.sqrt(A1 / 4.0 / np.pi * (1.0 + htr1) / (1.0 - htr1))
# span1 = A1 / 2.0 / np.pi / rmid1
rrms1 = np.sqrt(A1 / np.pi * 0.5 * (1.0 + htr1**2) / (1 - htr1**2))
Omega = U1 / rrms1
# (iii) prescribe rotor DeHaller and angles to set rel frame velocities
# Velocities
Vrel2 = DH_rotor * Vrel1
# Vr2 = Vrel2 / np.sqrt(1.0 + tanAlpha2_rel**2.0)
Vr2 = Vrel2 * np.cos(np.radians(Alpha2_rel))
# print(Vr2, Vr2_check)
Vtrel2 = Vr2 * tanAlpha2_rel
Vm2 = Vr2 * np.sqrt(1.0 / tanBeta2**2.0 + 1.0)
Vx2 = Vr2 / tanBeta2
# (iv) We need a general way of specifying rotor loss. Choose a prescribed
# fraction of entropy rise between rotor inlet and machine outlet. This
# choice can be updated in response to CFD results.
# Together with stagnation enthalpy, this fixes rotor exit stagntaion state
s2 = So1.s + loss_split * (So3.s - So1.s)
So2 = So1.copy().set_h_s(So3.h, s2)
# Inlet rothalpy
I1 = S1.h + 0.5 * (Vrel1**2.0 - U1**2.0)
# # Iterate on rotor exit static state
# Ma2 = 0.01 # Initial guess
# rf = 0.5 # Relaxation factor
# for _ in range(maxiter):
# # New static state
# S2 = So2.to_static(Ma2)
# # New relative stagnation state
# Marel2 = Vrel2 / S2.a
# Sorel2 = S2.to_stagnation(Marel2)
# # Conserve rothalpy to get U2, V2
# U2 = np.sqrt(2.0 * (Sorel2.h - I1))
# Vt2 = Vtrel2 + U2
# V2 = np.sqrt(Vx2**2.0 + Vr2**2.0 + Vt2**2.0)
# # Updated guess of Mach with relaxation
# Ma2_new = V2 / S2.a
# Ma2 = rf * Ma2_new + (1.0 - rf) * Ma2
# print(U2)
h2 = So2.h
for _ in range(maxiter):
U2 = np.sqrt(2.0 * (h2 + 0.5 * Vrel2**2 - I1))
h2 = So2.h - 0.5 * (Vr2**2.0 + (Vtrel2 + U2) ** 2.0)
S2 = So2.copy().set_h_s(h2, So2.s)
Vt2 = Vtrel2 + U2
V2 = np.sqrt(Vx2**2 + Vr2**2 + Vt2**2)
# Misc other results
Alpha2 = np.degrees(np.arctan(Vt2 / Vm2))
A2 = mdot / S2.rho / Vm2
rrms2 = U2 / Omega
V3 = DH_diff * V2
# Iterate on diffuser exit static state
Ma3 = 0.6 # Initial guess
rf = 0.5 # Relaxation factor
for _ in range(maxiter * 2):
# New static state
S3 = So3.to_static(Ma3)
Ma3_new = V3 / S3.a
Ma3 = rf * Ma3_new + (1.0 - rf) * Ma3
# (vi) select radius ratio that is consistent
# Conserve moment of momentum
mom2 = rrms2 * S2.rho * Vt2
V3 = Ma3 * S3.a
RR3 = np.sqrt(((mdot / A2) ** 2.0 + (mom2 / rrms2) ** 2.0)) / S3.rho / V3
A3 = A2 * RR3
rrms3 = rrms2 * RR3
Vr3 = mdot / S3.rho / A3
Vt3 = mom2 / S3.rho / rrms3
Alpha3 = np.degrees(np.arctan(Vt3 / Vr3))
# Dummy state
rrms2a = rrms2 + 0.7 * (rrms3 - rrms2)
A2a = A2 * rrms2a / rrms2
So2a = So3.copy()
# Iterate on diffuser exit static state
Ma2a = Ma3 + 0.0 # Initial guess
rf = 0.5 # Relaxation factor
for _ in range(maxiter):
S2a = So2a.to_static(Ma2a)
Vr2a = mdot / S2a.rho / A2a
Vt2a = mom2 / S2a.rho / rrms2a
V2a = np.sqrt(Vr2a**2.0 + Vt2a**2.0)
Ma2a = V2a / S2a.a
S_all = S1.stack((S1, S2, S2a, S3))
rrms_all = np.array([rrms1, rrms2, rrms2a, rrms3])
A_all = np.array([A1, A2, A2a, A3])
Omega_all = np.array([Omega, Omega, 0.0, 0.0])
Vx = (Vx1, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0)
Vr = (0.0, Vr2, Vr2a, Vr3)
Vt = (Vt1, Vt2, Vt2a, Vt3)
Vxrt = np.stack((Vx, Vr, Vt))
Al_all = np.array([Alpha1, Alpha2, Alpha2, Alpha3])
Be_all = np.array([0.0, 90.0, 90.0, 90.0])
ml = turbigen.flowfield.make_mean_line(rrms_all, A_all, Omega_all, Vxrt, S_all)
assert np.allclose(ml.Alpha, Al_all, atol=0.1)
assert np.allclose(ml.Beta, Be_all, atol=0.1)
return ml
def inverse(ml):
"""Reverse a radial compressor mean-line to design variables.
ml: MeanLine
A mean-line object specifying flow in a radial compressor.
out : dict
Dictionary of aerodynamic design parameters with fields:
`So1`, `PR_tt`, `eta_tt`, `mdot`, `phi1`, `Alpha1`, `Ma1_rel`, `htr1`,
`Alpha2_rel`, `loss_split`, `DHimp`, `DHdiff`
The fields have the same meanings as in :func:`forward`.
# Pull out states
Sdot = ml.Sdot_wall
except Exception:
Sdot = np.nan * np.ones((2, 2))
ske = 0.5 * np.array(ml.ske)
except Exception:
ske = np.full((1,), np.nan)
Sdot_tip = ml.Sdot_tip
except Exception:
Sdot_tip = np.nan
mdot_stall = ml.mdot_stall
except Exception:
mdot_stall = np.nan
mdot_choke = ml.mdot_choke
except Exception:
mdot_choke = np.nan
Co1 = ml.Co[0]
except Exception:
Co1 = np.nan
Dsmix = np.array(ml.Ds_mix).tolist()
except Exception:
Dsmix = np.zeros_like(ml.s).tolist()
blockage = ml.blockage[1]
except Exception:
blockage = np.nan
Deta_s = ml.T[-1] / (ml.ho[-1] - ml.ho[0])
Deta_h = 1.0 / (ml.ho[-1] - ml.ho[0])
s_nomix = ml.s - Dsmix
Dho = np.ptp(ml.ho)
Asurf = ml.Asurf
except Exception:
Asurf = np.nan * np.ones((2, 2))
Asurf_norm = np.sum(Asurf) / (Dho**-0.5) / ml.Q[0]
Ds = ml.r[-1] * 2.0 * (Dho**0.25) * (ml.Q[0] ** -0.5)
Os = ml.Omega[0] * (ml.Q[0] ** 0.5) * (Dho**-0.75)
pc = 100.0
Deta_surf = np.sum(Sdot) / ml.mdot[0] * Deta_s * pc
Deta_surf_arr = np.array(Sdot) / ml.mdot[0] * Deta_s * pc
Asurf_norm_arr = np.array(Asurf) / (Dho**-0.5) / ml.Q[0]
with np.errstate(invalid="ignore"):
V3av_arr = Deta_surf_arr / Asurf_norm_arr
RR = ml.rrms[1] / ml.rrms[0]
out = {
"So1": ml.stagnation[0],
"PR_tt": ml.PR_tt,
"eta_tt_pc": ml.eta_tt * pc,
"eta_ts_pc": ml.eta_ts * pc,
"eta_tt": ml.eta_tt,
"eta_poly": ml.eta_poly * pc,
"eta_tt_nomix": (ml.eta_tt + Dsmix[-1] * Deta_s) * pc,
"mdot": ml.mdot[0],
"phi1": ml.phi[0],
"Alpha1": ml.Alpha[0],
"Ma1_rel": ml.Ma_rel[0],
"htr1": ml.htr[0],
"Alpha2_rel": ml.Alpha_rel[1],
"DH_rotor": ml.V_rel[1] / ml.V_rel[0],
"DH_diff": ml.V[-1] / ml.V[1],
"loss_split": (s_nomix[1] - -s_nomix[0]) / (s_nomix[-1] - s_nomix[0]),
"RR": ml.rrms[1] / ml.rrms[0],
"DR": ml.rho[1] / ml.rho[0],
"VmR": ml.Vm[1] / ml.Vm[0],
"Vm1_Vrel1": ml.Vm[0] / ml.V_rel[0],
"psi_turn": -0.5 * (ml.V_rel[1] ** 2.0 - ml.V_rel[0] ** 2.0) / ml.U[0] ** 2.0,
"psi_ke": 0.5 * (ml.V[1] ** 2.0 - ml.V[0] ** 2.0) / ml.U[0] ** 2.0,
"psi_rad": 0.5 * (ml.U[1] ** 2 - ml.U[0] ** 2) / ml.U[0] ** 2.0,
"Nb1": ml.Nb[0],
"Ma2": ml.Ma[1],
"psi2": (ml.ho[-1] - ml.ho[0]) / ml.U[1] ** 2.0,
"Phi": ml.mdot[0] / ml.stagnation.rho[0] / (ml.rrms[1] * 2.0) ** 2 / ml.U[1],
"psi_tot": (ml.ho[-1] - ml.ho[0]) / ml.U[0] ** 2.0,
"Deta_surf": Deta_surf,
"blockage1": blockage,
"Deta_mix": Dsmix[-1] * Deta_s * pc,
"Deta_tt": (1.0 - ml.eta_tt) * pc,
"Deta_ts": (1.0 - ml.eta_ts) * pc,
"Deta_ke": (ml.eta_tt - ml.eta_ts) * pc,
"Deta_ske": (ske / ml.mdot[0] * Deta_h).tolist()[-1] * pc,
"Deta_tip": np.sum(Sdot_tip) / ml.mdot[0] * Deta_s * pc,
"Deta_imp": (ml.s[1] - ml.s[0]) * Deta_s * pc,
"Deta_diff": (ml.s[-1] - ml.s[1]) * Deta_s * pc,
"rs1_r2": ml.rtip[0] / ml.rrms[1],
"rs1_rm1": ml.rtip[0] / ml.rrms[0],
"r3": ml.rrms[-1],
"r2": ml.rrms[1],
"r1": ml.rrms[0],
"rs1": ml.rtip[0],
"rh1": ml.rhub[0],
"stall_margin": mdot_stall / ml.mdot[0] - 1.0,
"choke_margin": mdot_choke / ml.mdot[0] - 1.0,
"range": 1.0 - mdot_stall / mdot_choke,
"Co1": Co1,
"Omega1": ml.Omega[0],
"U1": ml.U[0],
"MU2": ml.U[1] / ml.ao[0],
"Alpha3": ml.Alpha[2],
"Asurf": Asurf_norm,
"Vrel1": ml.V_rel[0],
"Vrel2": ml.V_rel[1],
"Vt2": ml.Vt[1],
"V3": ml.V[2],
"V3av": Deta_surf / Asurf_norm,
"V3av00": V3av_arr[0, 0],
"V3av01": V3av_arr[0, 1],
"V3av10": V3av_arr[1, 0],
"V3av11": V3av_arr[1, 1],
"A00": Asurf_norm_arr[0, 0],
"A01": Asurf_norm_arr[0, 1],
"A10": Asurf_norm_arr[1, 0],
"A11": Asurf_norm_arr[1, 1],
"AR1": ml.ARflow[0],
"Ds": Ds,
"Os": Os,
"logDs": np.log10(Ds),
"logOs": np.log10(Os),
"span0": ml.span[0],
"Asurf_bld": Asurf[0][0],
"Asurf_ann": Asurf[0][1],
# "Lsurf1": ml.Lsurf[0],
# "Lsurf1_recip": 1.0 / ml.Lsurf[0],
"turning": np.diff(
"pitch1": 2.0 * np.pi * ml.rrms[0] / ml.Nb[0],
"V1": ml.V[0],
"V2": ml.V[1],
"Co_term1": (1 - RR**2.0) / ml.phi[0],
"Co_term2": ml.tanAlpha_rel[0],
"Co_term3": -RR * ml.tanAlpha_rel[1] * ml.Vm[1] / ml.Vm[0],
"Co_term123": (
+ (1 - RR**2.0) / ml.phi[0]
- RR * ml.tanAlpha_rel[1] * ml.Vm[1] / ml.Vm[0]
return out