"""Functions to write, run, and read for the Turbostream 3 solver."""
from time import sleep
from timeit import default_timer as timer
import shutil
import h5py
import numpy as np
import turbigen.grid
from turbigen.exceptions import ConvergenceError
import subprocess
import os
import signal
import sys
import re
import grp
import getpass
from copy import copy
from turbigen.solvers.base import BaseSolver
import turbigen.util
logger = turbigen.util.make_logger()
class TS3Config(BaseSolver):
_name = "TS3"
atol_eta = 0.005
"""Absolute tolerance on drift in isentropic efficiency."""
cfl = 0.4
"""Courant--Friedrichs--Lewy number, reduce for more stability."""
dampin = 25.0
"""Negative feedback factor, reduce for more stability."""
environment_script = (
"""Setup environment shell script to be sourced before running."""
facsecin = 0.005
"""Fourth-order smoothing feedback factor, increase for more stability."""
fmgrid = 0.2
"""Multigrid factor, reduce for more stability."""
ilos = 2
"""Turbulence model, 1 for mixing-length, 2 for Spalart-Allmaras."""
Lref_xllim = "pitch"
"""Mixing length characteristic dimension, "pitch" or "span"."""
nchange = 2000
"""At start of simulation, ramp smoothing and damping over this many time steps."""
nstep = 10000
"""Number of time steps."""
nstep_avg = 5000
"""Average over the last `nstep_avg` steps of the calculation."""
rfmix = 0.0
"""Mixing plane relaxation factor, reduce for more stability."""
rtol_mdot = 0.01
"""Relative tolerance on mass flow conservation error and drift."""
sfin = 0.5
"""Proportion of second-order smoothing, increase for more stability."""
tvr = 10.0
"""Initial guess of turbulent viscosity ratio."""
xllim = 0.03
"""Mixing length limit as a fraction of characteristic dimension."""
ipout = 3
convert_sliding = False
smooth_scale_precon_option = 0
smooth_scale_dts_option = 0
rfin = 0.5
precon = 0
nstep_soft = 0
dts = 0
nstep_cycle = 72
nstep_inner = 200
ncycle = 0
frequency = 0.0
fac_sa_step = 1.0
nstep_save_probe = 0
nstep_save_start_probe = 0
xllim_free = 0.1
free_turb = 0.05
adaptive_smoothing = 1
sa_helicity_option = 0
sa_ch1 = 0.71
sa_ch2 = 0.6
def application_variables(self, ga, cp, mu):
# """Make a complete set of applications variables, with defaults overriden
av = DEFAULT_AV.copy()
for k in av:
if hasattr(self, k):
av[k] = getattr(self, k)
av["ga"] = ga
av["cp"] = cp
av["viscosity"] = mu
if av["dts"]:
av["nstep_save_start"] = av["ncycle"] * av["nstep_cycle"] - self.nstep_avg
if av["nstep"] < 0:
av["nstep"] = int(2 * self.nstep_avg)
av["nstep_save_start"] = av["nstep"] - self.nstep_avg
# Raise error if averaging not OK
nstep = av["nstep"]
nstep_save_start = av["nstep_save_start"]
if nstep_save_start >= nstep and nstep > 0 and not av["dts"]:
raise Exception(f"nstep_save_start={nstep_save_start} is > nstep={nstep}")
return av
def block_variables(self, block, rref):
# """Make a dictionary of block variables, with defaults overriden as needed."""
bv = DEFAULT_BV.copy()
for k in bv:
if hasattr(self, k):
bv[k] = getattr(self, k)
# Set some block variables using the block data
bv["nblade"] = block.Nb
bv["fblade"] = float(block.Nb)
assert np.ptp(block.rpm) == 0.0
rpm = block.rpm.mean()
if self.convert_sliding and rpm == 0.0:
for patch in block.patches:
if isinstance(patch, turbigen.grid.MixingPatch):
assert np.ptp(patch.match.block.rpm) == 0.0
rpm = patch.match.block.rpm.mean()
bv["rpm"] = rpm
bv["fracann"] = 1.0 / float(block.Nb)
if self.Lref_xllim == "pitch":
bv["xllim"] = 2.0 * np.pi * rref / float(block.Nb) * self.xllim
elif self.Lref_xllim == "span":
span = np.ptp(block.r)
bv["xllim"] = span * self.xllim
elif self.Lref_xllim == "fix":
bv["xllim"] = self.xllim
raise Exception(f"Unrecognised Lref_xllim={self.Lref_xllim}")
return bv
def check(self):
# """Raise an error if this config will not work."""
if not os.path.isdir(self.workdir):
raise Exception(f"Working directory {self.workdir} does not exist")
if not os.path.isfile(self.environment_script):
raise Exception(f"Env script {self.environment_script} does not exist")
def robust(self):
# """Derive a new config based on this instance with improved robustness."""
c = copy(self)
c.ilos = 1
c.dampin = 3.0
c.facsecin = 0.02
c.sfin = 2.0
c.cfl = 0.3
c.fmgrid = 0.0
c.soft_start = False
c.precon = 0
c.dts = 0
if c.nstep_soft:
c.nstep = c.nstep_soft
return c
def _get_time_vector(ts3_config):
freq = ts3_config.frequency
nstep_cycle = ts3_config.nstep_cycle
nt = nstep_cycle * ts3_config.ncycle
it = np.arange(nt)
dt = 1.0 / freq / nstep_cycle
t = it * dt
return t
# Block attributes that must be present
# Where we should not set a default, use None
"bid": None,
"nc": 0,
"np": None,
"ncl": 0,
"ni": None,
"nj": None,
"nk": None,
"procid": 0,
"threadid": 0,
# Patch attributes that must be present
# Where we should not set a default, use None
"pid": None,
"bid": None,
"ist": None,
"jst": None,
"kst": None,
"ien": None,
"jen": None,
"ken": None,
"idir": None,
"jdir": None,
"kdir": None,
"kind": None,
"nface": 0,
"nt": 1,
"nxbid": None,
"nxpid": None,
# Application variables that must be present
# Where we should not set a default, use None
"adaptive_smoothing": 1,
"cfl": 0.4,
"cfl_en_ko": 0.4,
"cfl_ko": 0.4,
"cfl_st_ko": 0.01,
"cp": None,
"cp0_0": 1005.0,
"cp0_1": 1005.0,
"cp1_0": 0.0,
"cp1_1": 0.0,
"cp2_0": 0.0,
"cp2_1": 0.0,
"cp3_0": 0.0,
"cp3_1": 0.0,
"cp4_0": 0.0,
"cp4_1": 0.0,
"cp5_0": 0.0,
"cp5_1": 0.0,
"dampin": 25.0,
"dts": 0,
"dts_conv": 0.0,
"fac_sa_smth": 4.0,
"fac_sa_step": 1.0,
"fac_st0": 1.0,
"fac_st0_option": 0,
"fac_st1": 1.0,
"fac_st2": 1.0,
"fac_st3": 1.0,
"fac_stmix": 0.0,
"fac_wall": 1.0,
"facsafe": 0.2,
"facsecin": 0.005,
"frequency": 0.0,
"ga": None,
"if_ale": 0,
"if_no_mg": 0,
"ifgas": 0,
"ifsuperfac": 0,
"ilos": 2,
"ko_dist": 1e-4,
"ko_restart": 0,
"nchange": 1000,
"ncycle": 0,
"nlos": 5,
"nomatch_int": 1,
"nspecies": 1,
"nstep": 10000,
"nstep_cycle": 0,
"nstep_inner": 0,
"nstep_save": 0,
"nstep_save_probe": 0,
"nstep_save_start": 0,
"nstep_save_start_probe": 0,
"poisson_cfl": 0.7,
"poisson_limit": 0,
"poisson_nsmooth": 10,
"poisson_nstep": 0,
"poisson_restart": 2,
"poisson_sfin": 0.02,
"prandtl": 1.0,
"precon": 0,
"pref": 1e5,
"restart": 1,
"rfmix": 0.0,
"rfvis": 0.2,
"rg_cp0": 1005.0,
"rg_cp1": 0.0,
"rg_cp2": 0.0,
"rg_cp3": 0.0,
"rg_cp4": 0.0,
"rg_cp5": 0.0,
"rg_rgas": 287.15,
"rgas_0": 287.15,
"rgas_1": 287.15,
"sa_ch1": 1.0,
"sa_ch2": 1.0,
"sa_helicity_option": 0,
"schmidt_0": 1.0,
"schmidt_1": 1.0,
"sf_scalar": 0.05,
"sfin": 0.5,
"sfin_ko": 0.05,
"sfin_sa": 0.05,
"smooth_scale_directional_option": 0,
"smooth_scale_dts_option": 0,
"smooth_scale_precon_option": 0,
"tref": 300.0,
"turb_vis_damp": 1.0,
"turbvis_lim": 3000.0,
"use_temperature_sensor": 0,
"viscosity": None,
"viscosity_a1": 0.0,
"viscosity_a2": 0.0,
"viscosity_a3": 0.0,
"viscosity_a4": 0.0,
"viscosity_a5": 0.0,
"viscosity_law": 0,
"wall_law": 0,
"write_egen": 0,
"write_force": 0,
"write_tdamp": 0,
"write_yplus": 1,
# Block variables that must be present
# Where we should not set a default, use None
"dampin_mul": 1.0,
"fac_st0": 1.0,
"facsecin_mul": 1.0,
"fblade": None,
"fl_ibpa": 0.0,
"fmgrid": 0.2,
"fracann": None,
"free_turb": 0.05,
"fsturb": 1.0,
"ftype": 0,
"itrans": 0,
"itrans_j1_en": 0,
"itrans_j1_frac": 0.0,
"itrans_j1_st": 0,
"itrans_j2_en": 0,
"itrans_j2_frac": 0.0,
"itrans_j2_st": 0,
"itrans_k1_en": 0,
"itrans_k1_frac": 0.0,
"itrans_k1_st": 0,
"itrans_k2_en": 0,
"itrans_k2_frac": 0.0,
"itrans_k2_st": 0,
"jtrans": 0,
"jtrans_i1_en": 0,
"jtrans_i1_frac": 0.0,
"jtrans_i1_frac": 0.0,
"jtrans_i1_st": 0,
"jtrans_i2_en": 0,
"jtrans_i2_frac": 0.0,
"jtrans_i2_frac": 0.0,
"jtrans_i2_st": 0,
"jtrans_k1_en": 0,
"jtrans_k1_frac": 0.0,
"jtrans_k1_frac": 0.0,
"jtrans_k1_st": 0,
"jtrans_k2_en": 0,
"jtrans_k2_frac": 0.0,
"jtrans_k2_frac": 0.0,
"jtrans_k2_st": 0,
"ktrans": 0,
"ktrans_i1_en": 0,
"ktrans_i1_frac": 0.0,
"ktrans_i1_st": 0,
"ktrans_i2_en": 0,
"ktrans_i2_frac": 0.0,
"ktrans_i2_st": 0,
"ktrans_j1_en": 0,
"ktrans_j1_frac": 0.0,
"ktrans_j1_st": 0,
"ktrans_j2_en": 0,
"ktrans_j2_frac": 0.0,
"ktrans_j2_st": 0,
"nblade": None,
"ndup_phaselag": 1,
"nimixl": 0,
"poisson_fmgrid": 0.0,
"pstatin": 800000.0,
"pstatout": 800000.0,
"rpm": None,
"rpmi1": None,
"rpmi2": None,
"rpmj1": None,
"rpmj2": None,
"rpmk1": None,
"rpmk2": None,
"sfin_mul": 1.0,
"srough_i0": 0.0,
"srough_i1": 0.0,
"srough_j0": 0.0,
"srough_j1": 0.0,
"srough_k0": 0.0,
"srough_k1": 0.0,
"superfac": 0.0,
"tstagin": 1200.0,
"tstagout": 1200.0,
"turb_intensity": 5.0,
"vgridin": 50.0,
"vgridout": 50.0,
"xllim": None,
"xllim_free": 0.1,
# Patch variables that must be present on inlet patches
# Where we should not set a default, use None
"rfin": 0.5,
"sfinlet": 0.0,
# Patch variables that must be present on outlet patches
# Where we should not set a default, use None
"ipout": 3,
"throttle_type": 0,
"throttle_target": 0.0,
"throttle_k0": 0.0,
"throttle_k1": 0.0,
"throttle_k2": 0.0,
"fthrottle": 0.0,
"pout": None,
"pout_st": 0.0,
"pout_en": 0.0,
"pout_nchange": 0,
# Patch variables that must be present on outlet patches
# Where we should not set a default, use None
DEFAULT_POROUS_PV = {"porous_fac_loss": 1.0, "porous_rf": 0.9}
def _get_patch_kind(patch):
"""Choose TS3 patch kind integer based on patch class."""
if isinstance(patch, turbigen.grid.InletPatch):
return 0
elif isinstance(patch, turbigen.grid.OutletPatch):
if patch.force:
return 19 # for 'outlet2d'
return 1
elif isinstance(patch, turbigen.grid.MixingPatch):
return 2
elif isinstance(patch, turbigen.grid.PorousPatch):
return 17
elif isinstance(patch, turbigen.grid.PeriodicPatch):
if patch.cartesian:
return 16
return 5
elif isinstance(patch, turbigen.grid.InviscidPatch):
return 7
elif isinstance(patch, turbigen.grid.ProbePatch):
return 8
elif isinstance(patch, turbigen.grid.NonMatchPatch):
return 15
elif isinstance(patch, turbigen.grid.CoolingPatch):
return 6
raise Exception(f"No TS3 patch kind defined for {patch}")
def _get_patch_sten(patch):
"""Patch attributes describing patch start and end indices."""
# Convert negative indices to zero indexed
ijk_lim = patch.ijk_limits.copy()
nijk = np.reshape(patch.block.shape, (3, 1))
ijk_lim[ijk_lim < 0] = (nijk + ijk_lim)[ijk_lim < 0]
# Add one to end indices to make them exclusive
ijk_lim[:, 1] += 1
# Return as a dictionary of patch attributes
keys = ["ist", "ien", "jst", "jen", "kst", "ken"]
return dict(zip(keys, ijk_lim.flat))
def _get_patch_connectivity(patch, rtol=1e-4):
"""Patch attributes describing periodic or mixing connectivity."""
# Deal with mixing patches
if isinstance(patch, turbigen.grid.MixingPatch):
pm = patch.match
# Find ids for the connected block and patch
nxbid = pm.block.grid.index(pm.block)
not_rot = [
for p in pm.block.patches
if not isinstance(p, turbigen.grid.RotatingPatch)
nxpid = not_rot.index(pm)
if not patch.slide:
return {"idir": 0, "jdir": 0, "kdir": 0, "nxbid": nxbid, "nxpid": nxpid}
return {
"kind": 3,
"idir": 0,
"jdir": 0,
"kdir": 0,
"nface": 1,
"nxbid": nxbid,
"nxpid": nxpid,
"slide_nxbid": nxbid,
"slide_nxpid": nxpid,
is_periodic = isinstance(patch, turbigen.grid.PeriodicPatch)
is_nonmatch = isinstance(patch, turbigen.grid.NonMatchPatch)
is_porous = isinstance(patch, turbigen.grid.PorousPatch)
if is_periodic or is_nonmatch or is_porous:
pm = patch.match
# Find ids for the connected block and patch
nxbid = pm.block.grid.index(pm.block)
not_rot = [
for p in pm.block.patches
if not isinstance(p, turbigen.grid.RotatingPatch)
nxpid = not_rot.index(pm)
return {
"idir": patch.idir,
"jdir": patch.jdir,
"kdir": patch.kdir,
"nxbid": nxbid,
"nxpid": nxpid,
# If the patch is not mixing and not periodic, set dummy values
return {"idir": 0, "jdir": 0, "kdir": 0, "nxbid": 0, "nxpid": 0}
def _block_attributes(block, bid):
"""Make a dictionary of block attributes."""
ba = DEFAULT_BA.copy()
ba["bid"] = bid
ba["ni"], ba["nj"], ba["nk"] = block.shape
ba["np"] = len(
[p for p in block.patches if not isinstance(p, turbigen.grid.RotatingPatch)]
return ba
def _patch_attributes(patch, bid, pid):
"""Make a dictionary of patch attributes."""
pa = DEFAULT_PA.copy()
pa["pid"] = pid
pa["bid"] = bid
pa["kind"] = _get_patch_kind(patch)
return pa
def _patch_variables(patch, ts3_config):
"""Make a dictionary of patch attributes."""
pv = {}
if isinstance(patch, turbigen.grid.InletPatch):
pv["rfin"] = float(patch.rfin)
elif isinstance(patch, turbigen.grid.PorousPatch):
pv["porous_fac_loss"] = float(patch.porous_fac_loss)
elif isinstance(patch, turbigen.grid.ProbePatch):
pv["probe_append"] = 1
elif isinstance(patch, turbigen.grid.OutletPatch):
pv["pout"] = float(patch.Pout)
pv["ipout"] = ts3_config.ipout
if patch.mdot_target:
pv["throttle_type"] = 1
pv["throttle_target"] = float(patch.mdot_target)
# Turbostream uses 'PDI' control, not 'PID'
pv["throttle_k0"], pv["throttle_k2"], pv["throttle_k1"] = patch.Kpid
if patch.force:
elif isinstance(patch, turbigen.grid.CoolingPatch):
"cool_mass": patch.cool_mass,
"cool_pstag": patch.cool_pstag,
"cool_tstag": patch.cool_tstag,
"cool_type": patch.cool_type,
"cool_angle_def": patch.cool_angle_def,
"cool_sangle": patch.cool_sangle,
"cool_xangle": patch.cool_xangle,
"cool_frac_area": 1.0,
"cool_mach": patch.cool_mach,
return pv
def _patch_properties(patch):
"""Make a dictionary of patch properties."""
pp = {}
if isinstance(patch, turbigen.grid.InletPatch):
if patch.state.shape == ():
x = np.ones_like(patch.get_cut().x)
pp["pstag"] = patch.state.P * x
# So that the TS3->TS4 converter works for real gases
pp["tstag"] = patch.state.h / patch.state.cp * x
pp["pitch"] = patch.Beta * x
pp["yaw"] = patch.Alpha * x
pp["fsturb_mul"] = x
raise NotImplementedError("Inlet shape not supported")
elif isinstance(patch, turbigen.grid.OutletPatch):
if patch.force:
pp["pout"] = patch.Pout * np.ones_like(patch.get_cut().x)
return pp
def _write_variable(group, name, suffix, val):
"""Save a scalar to an hdf5 file."""
key = name + suffix
if isinstance(val, int):
dtype = np.dtype("i4")
dtype = np.dtype("f4")
if val is None:
raise Exception(f"Unspecified value for variable {name}")
group.create_dataset(key, data=np.reshape(val, (1,)), dtype=dtype)
except Exception:
raise Exception(f"Could not write key={key}, val={val}")
def _write_property(group, name, suffix, val, flat=False):
"""Save an array to an hdf5 file."""
key = name + suffix
dtype = np.dtype("f4")
if val is None:
raise Exception(f"Unspecified value for variable {name}")
if np.isnan(val).any():
raise Exception(f"NaN in variable {name}")
val_out = np.ones(val.shape, dtype=np.float32)
val_out.flat = val.transpose().flat
if flat:
val_out = val_out.flatten()
group.create_dataset(key, data=val_out, dtype=dtype)
def _get_wall_rpms(block):
"""Dictionary of block variables describing wall rotations."""
keys = [
vals = np.zeros((6,))
for patch in block.rotating_patches:
st_set = np.logical_and(
patch.ijk_limits[:, 0] == 0, patch.ijk_limits[:, 1] == 0
en_set = np.logical_and(
patch.ijk_limits[:, 0] == -1, patch.ijk_limits[:, 1] == -1
rpm_patch = patch.Omega * 30.0 / np.pi
vals[:3][st_set] = rpm_patch
vals[3:][en_set] = rpm_patch
# assert block.rpm.ptp() == 0.0
# vals *= block.rpm.mean()
return dict(zip(keys, vals))
def _write_hdf5(grid, ts3_config):
"""Using a given configuration, write grid object to an hdf5."""
# Store old internal energy datum
# Then set to zero as assumed by TS
Tu0_old = grid[0].Tu0
for b in grid:
for p in grid.inlet_patches:
# Determine reference radii for mixing length limit
rref = np.empty((grid.nrow,))
for irow, row_block in enumerate(grid.row_blocks):
rref[irow] = np.mean([0.5 * (b.r.max() + b.r.min()) for b in row_block])
input_file_path = os.path.join(ts3_config.workdir, "input.hdf5")
f = h5py.File(input_file_path, "w")
# Get gas properties from the inlet
So1 = grid.inlet_patches[0].state
cp = float(So1.cp)
ga = float(So1.gamma)
mu = float(So1.mu)
grid.inlet_patches[0].rfin = ts3_config.rfin
# Grid attributes
nb = len(grid)
f.attrs["nb"] = nb
f.attrs["ntb"] = 0
# Application variables
for name, val in ts3_config.application_variables(ga, cp, mu).items():
_write_variable(f, name, "_av", val)
procids = grid.partition(ts3_config.ntask)
# Loop over blocks
for ib in range(nb):
key = f"block{ib}"
block = grid[ib]
# Make group to hold block data
block_group = f.create_group(key)
# Block attributes
block_group.attrs.update(_block_attributes(block, ib))
block_group.attrs["procid"] = procids[ib]
# Block variables
if ts3_config.Lref_xllim == "pitch":
rref_block = rref[grid.row_index(block)]
rref_block = np.nan
for name, val in ts3_config.block_variables(block, rref_block).items():
_write_variable(block_group, name, "_bv", val)
# Block properties
_write_property(block_group, "x", "_bp", block.x)
_write_property(block_group, "r", "_bp", block.r)
_write_property(block_group, "rt", "_bp", block.rt)
_write_property(block_group, "ro", "_bp", block.rho)
_write_property(block_group, "rovx", "_bp", block.rhoVx)
_write_property(block_group, "rovr", "_bp", block.rhoVr)
_write_property(block_group, "rorvt", "_bp", block.rhorVt)
_write_property(block_group, "roe", "_bp", block.rhoe)
_write_property(block_group, "phi", "_bp", block.w)
if np.isnan(block.mu_turb).all():
turb_visc = ts3_config.tvr * np.ones_like(block.x) * mu
_write_property(block_group, "trans_dyn_vis", "_bp", turb_visc)
_write_property(block_group, "trans_dyn_vis", "_bp", block.mu_turb)
# Loop over patches
ip = 0
for patch in block.patches:
# Skip rotating patches - set wall rpms using block variables
if isinstance(patch, turbigen.grid.RotatingPatch):
logger.debug(f"Skipping patch {patch}, ip={ip}")
logger.debug(f"Writing patch {patch}, ip={ip}")
# Make group to hold patch data
patch_key = f"patch{ip}"
patch_group = block_group.create_group(patch_key)
# Patch attributes
pa = _patch_attributes(patch, ib, ip)
if "slide_nxbid" in pa:
pv_slide = {k: pa.pop(k) for k in ("slide_nxbid", "slide_nxpid")}
if ts3_config.convert_sliding:
for name, val in pv_slide.items():
_write_variable(patch_group, name, "", val)
pa["kind"] = 2
# Patch variables
for name, val in _patch_variables(patch, ts3_config).items():
_write_variable(patch_group, name, "_pv", val)
# Patch properties
for name, val in _patch_properties(patch).items():
# Make boundary conditions unsteady if needed
if isinstance(patch, turbigen.grid.InletPatch):
if force_type := patch.force_type:
t = _get_time_vector(ts3_config)
nt = len(t)
F = 1.0 + patch.amplitude * np.sin(
2.0 * np.pi * ts3_config.frequency * t + patch.phase
).reshape(1, 1, 1, nt)
ga = patch.state.gamma
if force_type == "isentropic":
Po_Poav = F
To_Toav = Po_Poav ** ((ga - 1.0) / ga)
elif force_type == "entropic":
Po_Poav = np.ones_like(F)
To_Toav = F
raise Exception(f"Unknown inlet forcing type {force_type}")
val = np.expand_dims(val, 3)
if name == "pstag":
val = val * Po_Poav
elif name == "tstag":
val = val * To_Toav
val = np.tile(val, (1, 1, 1, nt))
pa["nt"] = nt
if isinstance(patch, turbigen.grid.OutletPatch):
if patch.force:
t = _get_time_vector(ts3_config)
F = 1.0 + patch.amplitude * np.sin(
2.0 * np.pi * ts3_config.frequency * t + patch.phase
).reshape(1, 1, 1, -1)
val = np.expand_dims(val, 3) * F
pa["nt"] = len(t)
_write_property(patch_group, name, "_pp", val, flat=True)
ip += 1
assert ip == block_group.attrs["np"]
# Now check that patch and block ids are consistent
logger.debug("Checking np")
for ib in range(nb):
blk = f[f"block{ib}"]
nptch = blk.attrs["np"]
logger.debug(f"bid={ib}, np={nptch}, len(patches)={len(grid[ib].patches)}")
for ip in range(nptch):
pch = blk[f"patch{ip}"]
bid = pch.attrs["bid"]
pid = pch.attrs["pid"]
nxbid = pch.attrs["nxbid"]
nxblk = f[f"block{nxbid}/"]
nxpid = pch.attrs["nxpid"]
f'ip={ip}, kind={pch.attrs["kind"]}, '
f"bid={bid}, pid={pid}, "
f'nxbid={nxbid}, nxpid={nxpid}, nxnp={nxblk.attrs["np"]}'
ni = blk.attrs["ni"]
nj = blk.attrs["nj"]
nk = blk.attrs["nk"]
ist = pch.attrs["ist"]
jst = pch.attrs["jst"]
kst = pch.attrs["kst"]
ien = pch.attrs["ien"]
jen = pch.attrs["jen"]
ken = pch.attrs["ken"]
assert ist < ni
assert ien < (ni + 1)
assert jst < nj
assert jen < (nj + 1)
assert kst < nk
assert ken < (nk + 1)
assert nxbid < nb
assert nxpid < nxblk.attrs["np"]
# Reset the internal energy datum
for b in grid:
for p in grid.inlet_patches:
def _execute(ts3_config):
"""Using a given configuration, execute TS3."""
# Store old working directory and change to this config's
old_workdir = os.getcwd()
if not os.path.exists(ts3_config.environment_script):
raise Exception(
f"""Could not locate TS3 env script {ts3_config.environment_script}
Are you on a HPC compute node?"""
# Open a subshell, source the environment and run the solver
ngpu = ts3_config.ntask
nnode = ts3_config.nnode
npernode = ngpu // nnode
logger.info(f"Using {ngpu} GPUs on {nnode} nodes, {npernode} per node.")
if ngpu == 1:
cmd_str = (
f". {ts3_config.environment_script};"
"turbostream input.hdf5 output 1 > log.txt"
cmd_str = (
f". {ts3_config.environment_script};"
f" mpirun -npernode {npernode} -np {ngpu} turbostream"
f" input.hdf5 output {npernode} > log.txt"
# Start the Turbostream process
with subprocess.Popen(
cmd_str, shell=True, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, preexec_fn=os.setsid
) as proc:
# Until process has finished, check regularly for divergence
while proc.poll() is None:
timeout = 60
start = timer()
while (timer() - start) < timeout:
if os.path.isfile("log.txt"):
if not os.path.isfile("log.txt"):
raise Exception(
f"Timed out after {timeout}s waiting for TS3 log file to appear"
if istep_nan := _check_nan("log.txt"):
os.killpg(os.getpgid(proc.pid), signal.SIGTERM)
raise ConvergenceError(
f"TS3 diverged at step {istep_nan}"
) from None
except KeyboardInterrupt:
logger.iter("Caught interrupt, killing solver...")
os.killpg(os.getpgid(proc.pid), signal.SIGTERM)
logger.iter("Killed solver.")
# If we have an error code, prind debugging info
if proc.returncode:
raise Exception(
f"""TS3 failed, exit code {proc.returncode}
COMMAND: {cmd_str}
STDERR: {proc.stderr.read().decode(sys.getfilesystemencoding()).strip()}
Are you on a HPC compute node, i.e. gpu-q-x not login-q-x?"""
) from None
# Delete extraneous files
for f in ("stopit", "output_avg.xdmf", "output.xdmf"):
except FileNotFoundError:
def _read_hdf5(grid, ts3_config):
"""Using a given configuration, load flow solution and insert into grid."""
output_file_path = os.path.join(ts3_config.workdir, "output_avg.hdf5")
output_inst_file_path = os.path.join(ts3_config.workdir, "output.hdf5")
if not os.path.exists(output_file_path):
raise Exception(f"""No Turbostream output file found at: {output_file_path}""")
f = h5py.File(output_file_path, "r")
fi = h5py.File(output_inst_file_path, "r")
# Although the TS3 hdf5 reports the shape of the data as ni x nj x nk, this
# is not correct and actually the underlying data is stored in nk x nj x ni order.
# So we reshape and swap the axes back
def _unflip(x):
ni, nj, nk = x.shape
return np.swapaxes(np.reshape(x, (nk, nj, ni)), 0, 2)
# Loop over blocks
nb = len(grid)
for ib in range(nb):
block = grid[ib]
block_group = f[f"block{ib}"]
# Pull some properties first
rho = _unflip(block_group["ro_bp"])
roe = _unflip(block_group["roe_bp"])
trans_dyn_vis = _unflip(fi[f"block{ib}"]["trans_dyn_vis_bp"])
# Check for divergence
if not np.isfinite(rho).all():
raise ConvergenceError("TS3 solution has NAN density.")
if (rho < 0.0).any():
raise ConvergenceError("TS3 solution has negative density.")
if not np.isfinite(roe).all():
raise ConvergenceError("TS3 solution has NAN total energy.")
if (roe < 0.0).any():
raise ConvergenceError("TS3 solution has negative total energy.")
if not np.isfinite(trans_dyn_vis).all():
raise ConvergenceError("TS3 solution has NAN turbulent viscosity.")
# Set the velocities
block.Vx = _unflip(block_group["rovx_bp"]) / rho
block.Vr = _unflip(block_group["rovr_bp"]) / rho
block.Vt = _unflip(block_group["rorvt_bp"]) / rho / block.r
# Convert total energy to internal energy
u = roe / rho - 0.5 * block.V**2.0
# Make sure that u is positive
if not (u > 0.0).all():
raise ConvergenceError("TS3 solution has negative internal energy.")
# Set the thermodynamic state
Tu0_old = block.Tu0 + 0.0
block.Tu0 = 0.0
block.set_rho_u(rho, u)
# Set turbulent viscosity
block.mu_turb = trans_dyn_vis
def _check_conv(ts3_config):
"""Parse the TS3 log and raise exceptions in case of problems."""
log = TS3Log(os.path.join(ts3_config.workdir, "log.txt"))
logger.info(f"Checking convergence over last {ts3_config.nstep_avg} steps...")
# if np.isnan(log.eta_drift).any():
# raise ConvergenceError("TS3 log has NAN efficiency.")
if np.abs(log.mdot_drift) > ts3_config.rtol_mdot:
raise ConvergenceError(
f"mdot drift {log.mdot_drift*100.:.1f}% > rtol {ts3_config.rtol_mdot*100}%"
if np.abs(log.mdot_err) > ts3_config.rtol_mdot:
raise ConvergenceError(
f"mdot conservation error {log.mdot_err*100.:.1f}% >"
f" rtol {ts3_config.rtol_mdot*100}%"
if np.abs(log.eta_drift) > ts3_config.atol_eta:
raise ConvergenceError(
f"eta drift {log.eta_drift*100.:.1f}% > atol {ts3_config.atol_eta*100}%"
f"mdot drift = {log.mdot_drift*100.:.1f}%, "
f"mdot error = {log.mdot_err*100.:.1f}%, "
f"eta_drift = {log.eta_drift*100.:.1f}%"
def _run(grid, ts3_config):
"""Perform all steps on a grid and config."""
_write_hdf5(grid, ts3_config)
_read_hdf5(grid, ts3_config)
def run(grid, settings, machine):
"""Write, run, and read TS3 results for a grid object, specifying some settings."""
# Apply settings to the default configuration
ts3_conf = TS3Config(**settings)
# Check that the user is a member of the turbostream group
ts_users = grp.getgrnam("turbostream").gr_mem
current_user = getpass.getuser()
if current_user not in ts_users:
raise Exception(
f"Current user {current_user} is not a member of the turbostream group"
except KeyError:
if not ts3_conf.skip:
raise Exception(
"No turbostream group on this machine - are you on the HPC?"
) from None
input_file_path = os.path.join(ts3_conf.workdir, "input.hdf5")
output_file_path = os.path.join(ts3_conf.workdir, "output_avg.hdf5")
output_inst_file_path = os.path.join(ts3_conf.workdir, "output.hdf5")
soln_exists = os.path.exists(output_file_path) and os.path.exists(
if ts3_conf.skip and soln_exists:
logger.info("Skipping running, loading previous solution.")
_read_hdf5(grid, ts3_conf)
except ValueError:
logger.info("Failed, will continue with initial guess.")
# Final check of the mesh
for block in grid:
# block.check_coordinates()
# Load balancing
ts3_conf.ntask = int(np.minimum(int(os.environ["SLURM_NTASKS"]), len(grid)))
ts3_conf.nnode = int(os.environ["SLURM_NNODES"])
except KeyError:
ts3_conf.ntask = 1
ts3_conf.nnode = 1
"Could not establish number of GPUs, assuming serial "
"(are you on a compute node?)"
if ts3_conf.skip:
logger.info("Skipping running, reloading initial guess.")
_write_hdf5(grid, ts3_conf)
shutil.copy(input_file_path, output_file_path)
shutil.copy(input_file_path, output_inst_file_path)
_read_hdf5(grid, ts3_conf)
# Do a robust calculation and update the outlet throttle pressure
if ts3_conf.soft_start:
logger.info("Soft start...")
ts3_conf_robust = ts3_conf.robust()
_run(grid, ts3_conf_robust)
log_path = os.path.join(ts3_conf.workdir, "log.txt")
log_new_path = os.path.join(ts3_conf.workdir, "log_soft.txt")
shutil.copy(log_path, log_new_path)
logger.info("Accurate solution...")
_run(grid, ts3_conf)
# Produce a warning if the outlet is choked
# Raise errors if the solution did not converge
re_nstep = re.compile(r"nstep\s*:\s*(\d*)$")
re_dts = re.compile(r"dts\s*:\s*(\d*)$")
re_ncycle = re.compile(r"ncycle\s*:\s*(\d*)$")
re_nstep_cycle = re.compile(r"nstep_cycle\s*:\s*(\d*)$")
re_nstep_save_start = re.compile(r"nstep_save_start\s*:\s*(\d*)$")
re_mdot = re.compile(r"^INLET FLOW =\s*(-?\d*\.\d*)\s*OUTLET FLOW =\s*(-?\d*\.\d*)$")
re_Po = re.compile(
r"^AVG INLET STAG P =\s*(-?\d*\.\d*)\s*AVG OUTLET STAG P =\s*(-?\d*\.\d*)$"
re_To = re.compile(
r"^AVG INLET STAG T =\s*(-?\d*\.\d*)\s*AVG OUTLET STAG T =\s*(-?\d*\.\d*)$"
re_eta = re.compile(r"EFFICIENCY\s*=\s*(-?\d*.\d*)$")
re_nan = re.compile(r".*NAN.*")
re_current_step = re.compile(r"^O?U?T?E?R? ?STEP No\.\s*(\d*)", flags=re.MULTILINE)
class TS3Log:
def __init__(self, fname):
"""Read in TS3 log data from a file."""
logger.debug(f"Opening log file {fname}...")
# Loop over lines in the file
with open(fname, "r") as f:
# First, look for number of steps
for line in f:
match = re_nstep.search(line)
if match:
nstep = int(match.group(1))
# Second, look for number of steps
for line in f:
match = re_dts.search(line)
if match:
dts = int(match.group(1))
# ncycle = int(re_ncycle.search(f.readline()).group(1))
# f.readline()
# nstep_cycle = int(re_nstep_cycle.search(f.readline()).group(1))
# Third, look for averaging steps
for line in f:
match = re_nstep_save_start.search(line)
if match:
nstep_save_start = int(match.group(1))
step_now = 0
# Preallocate
self._step_fac = 1 if dts else 50
self._nlog = nlog = nstep // self._step_fac
self._eta = np.zeros(nlog) * np.nan
self._mdot = np.zeros((2, nlog)) * np.nan
self._Po = np.zeros((2, nlog)) * np.nan
self._To = np.zeros((2, nlog)) * np.nan
self._nstep = nstep
self._nstep_save_start = nstep_save_start
for ilog in range(nlog):
logger.debug(f"* Parsing nstep={self.nstep[ilog]}")
if not dts:
# Loop over lines until we find mdot
logger.debug("Finding mass flow rate...")
for line in f:
if mdot_match := re_mdot.search(line):
logger.debug(f'Found: "{line.strip()}"')
self._mdot[:, ilog] = [
float(m) for m in mdot_match.group(1, 2)
for line in f:
if re_nstep.search(line):
logger.debug(f'Found: "{line.strip()}"')
# Skip flow ratio
_ = f.readline()
# Stagnation pressures
ln = f.readline()
logger.debug(f'Reading Po from "{ln.strip()}"')
match_Po = re_Po.search(ln)
self._Po[:, ilog] = [float(m) for m in match_Po.group(1, 2)]
# Stagnation temperatures
ln = f.readline()
logger.debug(f'Reading To from "{ln.strip()}"')
match_To = re_To.search(ln)
self._To[:, ilog] = [float(m) for m in match_To.group(1, 2)]
# Skip power
_ = f.readline()
_ = f.readline()
# Efficiency
ln = f.readline()
logger.debug(f'Reading effy from "{ln.strip()}"')
match_eta = re_eta.search(ln)
self._eta[ilog] = float(match_eta.group(1))
# Next step number
if ilog < nlog - 1:
logger.debug("Finding next step No...")
step_next = None
for line in f:
if step_match := re_current_step.search(line):
step_next = int(step_match.group(1))
if step_next > step_now:
logger.debug(f" Found next nstep={step_next}")
step_now = step_next
if not step_next == self.nstep[ilog + 1]:
raise Exception(
f"Log step mismatch at {step_now}, {step_next}"
except AttributeError:
logger.debug("Failed to parse, breaking")
TR = self._To[1] / self._To[0]
if np.abs(TR[-1] - 1.0) < 0.001:
self._eta = self._Po[1] / self._Po[0] - 1.0
def nstep(self):
return np.linspace(0, self._nlog - 1, self._nlog, dtype=int) * self._step_fac
def __str__(self):
return (
def eta_drift(self):
eta_avg = self._eta[self.nstep >= self._nstep_save_start]
# Consider instantaneous eta
# drift = eta_avg - eta_avg[-1]
# return drift[np.argmax(np.abs(drift))]
# Split averaging period into two and check eta same for both
n2 = len(eta_avg) // 2
return eta_avg[:n2].mean() - eta_avg[n2:].mean()
def mdot_err(self):
err = (self._mdot[0] / self._mdot[1] - 1.0)[
self.nstep >= self._nstep_save_start
return err[np.argmax(np.abs(err))]
def mdot_drift(self):
drift = self._mdot[0] / self._mdot[0, -1] - 1.0
err = drift[self.nstep >= self._nstep_save_start]
return err[np.argmax(np.abs(err))]
def _read_probe_dat(fname, S, shape=()):
Npts = int(np.loadtxt(fname, max_rows=1))
x, r, rt, ro, rovx, rovr, rorvt, roe = np.loadtxt(fname, skiprows=1).T
nt = len(x) // Npts
Fshape = shape + (nt,)
if shape:
x = x.reshape(Fshape, order="F")
r = r.reshape(Fshape, order="F")
rt = rt.reshape(Fshape, order="F")
ro = ro.reshape(Fshape, order="F")
rovx = rovx.reshape(Fshape, order="F")
rovr = rovr.reshape(Fshape, order="F")
rorvt = rorvt.reshape(Fshape, order="F")
roe = roe.reshape(Fshape, order="F")
Fshape = x.shape
F = turbigen.flowfield.PerfectFlowField(Fshape)
F.cp = S.cp
F.gamma = S.gamma
F.mu = S.mu
F.Omega = 0.0
F.xrt = np.stack((x, r, rt / r))
F.Vxrt = np.stack((rovx, rovr, rorvt / r)) / ro
u = roe / ro - 0.5 * F.V**2.0
F.set_rho_u(ro, u)
return F
def _check_nan(fname):
"""Return step number of divergence from TS3 log, or zero if no NANs found."""
NBYTES = 1024
with open(fname, "r") as f:
while chunk := f.read(NBYTES):
if re_nan.match(chunk):
return int(re_current_step.findall(chunk)[-1])
except Exception:
return -1
return 0